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受矫枉过正的影响,机身陷入俯仰震荡。It is caught in oscillations of overcompensation.

然而,矫枉过正的问题还是存在的。There is a danger of moving too quickly, however.

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矫枉过正不过是在错误的基础上又犯了另一个错误。It is proved that to over-correct is another fault.

不要找藉口,被自己打败或矫枉过正。Don't make excuses, beat yourself up, or overcompensate for your error.

当然,当我们经历这些变化的时候存在矫枉过正的危险。As we undertake these changes, of course, there's a danger of overcorrecting.

若艺术的创新走向偏执,那无疑是矫枉过正,误入歧途。If the art of innovation goes into paranoia, then it is undoubtedly overkill.

矫枉过正的深层原因是要素和驱动机制的复杂性。The complicacy of elements and driving mechanism are the main cause of hypercorrection.

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而现在,我们再也不能以这样的理由为编写出性能糟糕的代码寻求托辞了,当然,我们也不能矫枉过正。Now, don't use this as a pretext to write code that performs lousy, just don't overdo it.

检查你的孩子没错,但是不能矫枉过正,否则它会妨碍孩子们信任的本能。It’s okay to keep a check on your child, but overdoing it can hamper their trust instinct.

而毛虫的孵化时间有些矫枉过正,提前了15天,比橡树早了5天。Caterpillars hatch 15 days earlier, overcompensating by five days for the change in the oaks.

自然主义知识论作为一种新思潮,没能逃脱矫枉过正的宿命。As a new trend of thought, the epistemic naturalism has an inextricable fate of hypercorrectness.

为了矫正这种低估他人所承受痛苦的倾向,诺德葛伦建议要矫枉过正。To correct for this tendency to underestimate pain that others suffer, Nordgren suggested overcompensation.

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父母不应因为无法照顾孩子而矫枉过正给他们太多零用钱。Parents should not over-compensate their children for their absences from home by giving them too much pocket money.

生态中心论的提法忽视了人类的主动性和创造性,有些矫枉过正。The parlance of Zoology-Central ignores the humankinds' initiative and creativity, and may be wrong in some certain.

有几种酶——如基质金属蛋白酶和胶原酶——可能派上用场,但矫枉过正也会有风险。Several enzymes, such as matrix metalloproteinases and collagenases, might do the job, but overdoing it could be risky.

他指出,监管改革面临的挑战在于,需要在畏首畏尾和矫枉过正中找到平衡.The official said the challenge in reforming regulation was striking the right balance between timidity and overreaching.

不管是收,还是放,都有一点矫枉过正,以致经常出现“一收就死,一放就乱”的局面。No matter be to close, still put, have a bit overcorrect, as a result often appears " close to die, put random " situation.

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基于上述判断,胡教授的观点似乎真的矫枉过正了,也似乎有离经叛道的意思。Due to the points mentioned above, Prof. Hu's opinion seems to be overcompensating, and also seems to have a rebellious tone.

正如我们今天所谈到的,请按住矫枉过正样品,我将让他们再培训FATP相关站经营者,坦克很多。As we talked today, please hold the overkill samples, I will get them re-training FATP related station operators, tanks a lot.

再如有人矫枉过正地回避“训练”,用语文学科的人文性阉割它的技能性。Take a second example, some people have overcorrected "drills". They use the nature of humanism in Chinese to emasculate its skills.