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训练你的灵感。Train your muse.

是谁给了你灵感?Who inspires your style?

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谁是你的灵感?Who is your inspiration?

所以当灵感出现时,把它记下来,别让它溜走,浪费了。Don’t let it go to waste!

那是我迸发灵感之时。That is my inspired time.

我则是在淋浴中获得灵感。I have mine in the shower.

你的灵感是什么?What was your inspiration?

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读伟大作家的作品来启发灵感。Read great writers for inspiration.

我们觉得毫无灵感,没有动力。We feel uninspired and unmotivated.

你的灵感源自哪里?Where do you draw inspiration from?

有没有什么品牌激发了你的灵感?Is there any brand that inspires you?

看看那些总能带给你灵感的书吧。What books never fail to inspire you?

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我依于我的灵感行事!I act according to my own inspiration !

他的灵感以令人发晕的速度滋长着。His muse pullulated with dizzying speed.

这是铁娘子,能让人产生灵感。他说。It's iron lady, it inspires us, he says.

创作这个模组的灵感是什么呢?What was the inspiration for the module?

你可以从这篇文章中获得灵感!You can use this article as inspiration.

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这就是弥尔顿得到“秋天般的“灵感的来源This is where Milton gets the "autumnal."

这就是弥尔顿得到“秋天般的“灵感的来源“This is where Milton gets the "autumnal."