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我切到手指了。I cut my finger.

哎哟,我切到手指了.Ow,I cut my finger.

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哎呀!我切到手指了。Ouch! I cut my finger.

爱情是追到手的吗?Love is chasing the hand?

爱情是追到手的吗?Love is happen, no matter it?

直到临近考试了才能到手。until really close to the exam.

借钱才到手,立刻便担忧。Money borrowed is soon sorrowed.

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借钱才到手,马上便忧愁。Money borrowed is soon sorrowed.

什么?哦,该死!我切到手指了。What? Oh , shit! I cut my finger.

她屡次向吝啬鬼讨酒都没到手。She repeated the miser no hand to discuss wine.

那推销员把这位妇女的钱骗到手。The salesman diddled the woman out of her money.

莫斯、席默曼全垒打助王建民第2胜到手。Morse, Zimmerman homer to help Wang earn 2nd win.

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冯广聚把到手的天街铺面给退了。Feng Poly Street to get the day retreat to the pavement.

第二个问题是让这个PNG图片到手机上。The second problem is getting this PNG image to the phone.

通过扭动手轮可以察觉到手轮里的弹簧。Spring in hand wheel can be detected by wiggling hand wheel.

当他和她上床时,他并没有在计算将要到手的钱财。And when he took her to bed, he wasn’t dreaming of his score.

不消一会,华碧贿赂官员的罪证已到手。Soon, HuaBi bribe officials of the evidence has come to hand.

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他是这个城市里一个声名狼藉而又很难到手的钻石王老五。He was one of the city's most notoriously ungettable bachelors.

知道你的到手工资是多少——并不像你所想的那样多。Know what your take-home pay is--it's not as much as you think.

遇到了自己心仪的女孩,并且有一种要追到手的冲动。Came adoring girl, and there is a kind of you chase hand impulse.