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大多数人浅尝辄止。Most people quit too soon.

有些书只需浅尝辄止,有些书该囫囵吞食。Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed.

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浅尝辄止的人是无法做学问的。I have not the gifts that are necessary for scholarship.

读懂读透一部书,胜似浅尝辄止读一百部书。Read read a book, a radix stemonae tasted better than reading.

不要只满足于对功课浅尝辄止,“只求及格”。Don't be content to just skim over courses with "only to pass".

当然,我们仅是浅尝辄止而已。Of course, we have only just touched on some of its possibilities.

将一件事做到极致远远强于将四十件事作为兴趣浅尝辄止。Better far to do one thing pre-eminently well than to dabble in forty.

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前贤今人的著作每每提及,但却往往浅尝辄止,甚至陈陈相因。Many scholar often mentioned, but often superficial, and even copy the former.

我追随过不同的体系,浅尝辄止,我认识到它们的肤浅。I have followed different systems, slightly and I recognize their superficiality.

卡库尔做什么都是浅尝辄止,所以未完成的事情还很多呢。I try everything but don't put an effort in any, so there are lots of things to be done.

有些书只需浅尝辄止,另一些供囫囵吞枣,尚有数需要细嚼慢咽,消化吸收。Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed , and digested.

而通过浅尝辄止的沟通得到的神奇关系会带来什么结果呢?What's the end result of all these magical connections through relatively shallow communication?

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如果你在考试前对所学过的课文浅尝辄止的话,很有可能考试不及格。If you only dip into the lessons you have learned, you will be most likely to fail the examination.

曹丕的“诗赋欲丽说”学界虽有关注,但都浅尝辄止。The theory of elegance seeking in poetry and ode was seldom paid adequate attention to in academic field.

面对激烈的竞争,一些商业银行开始尝试实施营销策略,但往往浅尝辄止。Some commercial banks began to take some marketing methods accordingly, but they turned out to be of no use.

功能少而精要比功能包罗万象但浅尝辄止或根本不能发挥作用要好得多。A smaller set of functionality that works well is much better then everything that functions poorly, or not at all.

不仅如此,对创造性思维的研究也往往是浅尝辄止,缺乏深度。By far, there are only a few researches on the processing of creative flunking, let alone on the processing strategy.

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我也做了一些浅尝辄止的尝试,可一旦开始组织这本书的内容时,却总是不停地卡壳——我有太多太多的东西想和大家分享了,却不知道应该怎样把内容安放在一个简单易懂的提纲里。I had so much information to share. I just couldn’t figure out how arrange it in a simple, easy to understand outline.

但是,迄今为止,没有分析家预测中国的房地产市场会全面崩溃,即使是一点点浅尝辄止的声音都没有。Few analysts are anticipating a full-scale meltdown of the Chinese housing market. But even a moderate dip reverberates.

他说,随着人员的抽调,公司只是浅尝辄止的一些项目团队也自然会缩小规模。Teams on projects the company is merely 'fiddling with,' he says, will get 'naturally smaller as people get plucked off.'