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它劝诱我走向雾气朦胧的黄昏。It coaxes me to the vapor and the dusk.

用个人强烈的魅力哄诱,劝诱。To induce by using strong personal attractiveness.

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我认为广告的本质,就是劝诱。I think the essence of advertising is proselytizing.

不过这种甘言劝诱在普通人中影响力甚微。But amid normal people these blandishments have no authority.

它用华丽的词藻堆砌起来的散文劝诱和操纵读者。It is propagandistic and manipulates the reader with purple prose.

推销商劝诱她购买她并不需要的真空吸尘器。The salesman induced her to buy the vacuum cleaner which she didn't really need.

基督教,极力劝诱宗教,存在于世界所有地区。Christianity, a strongly proselytizing religion, exists in all parts of the world.

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自从有了姻亲关系后,是公公劝诱他们一起创建了一家公司。Once they became related, their father-in-law coaxed them into creating a company.

劝诱推销技巧中最微妙的一种就是话语中含有命令成分。One of the most subtle soft-sell techniques is to embed a command into a statement.

或劝诱立法者在公路沿线种植竹子,以减轻碳的排放量?Or persuading legislators to line their highways with bamboo for carbon mitigation?

非常好,我想,这仅仅是我所受的其他劝诱改宗经历的延续。Great, I thought, this was just how my other near-conversion experiences had proceeded.

所以,从十多岁起,我就成为了所有团体劝诱改宗的首要目标。But, since I was a teenager, I have been a prime target for proselytizers of all stripes.

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我希望不会这样,我可不想失去对其他所有自称为劝诱改宗者的吸引力。I hope not. I don't want to lose my appeal to all the other would-be converters out there.

这有助于阻碍其成员放弃信仰并继续去劝诱外人改变信仰。This helps to discourage members from abandoning the religion while still enabling them to proselytize.

为了聘用她,他开始着手了解有关她的一切,然后才劝诱她加入他的团队。To recruit her, he set about learning everything he could about her before wooing her on to his, um, team.

这笔钱不应用于“过度劝诱”女性去卖自己的卵子。The money, the ISSCR suggested, should not be enough to provide "undue inducement" for women to sell their eggs.

这笔钱不应用于“过度劝诱”女性去卖自己的卵子。The money, the ISSCR suggested, should not be enough to provide “undue inducement” for women to sell their eggs.

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狼呻吟着去找人减轻它的痛苦,它尝试劝诱每一个遇见的人帮它把骨头取出来,“如果有人能帮我取出骨头,我愿意给它任何东西。”He tried to induce every one he met to remove the bone. “I would give anything,” said he, “if you would take it out.”

本文原载于新财富,为个人观点,并非任何劝诱或投资建议。This article was originally contained in new wealth for personal views, not to any solicitation or investment advice.

它仅仅是一些革命性的宣传,或仅仅是玩弄劝诱性的定义,或一些黑格尔的谬论?Is it just a bit of revolutionary propaganda, or mere playing with persuasive definitions, or a bit of Hegelian mysticism?