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我嗓子疼。My throat's sore.

我嗓子都发紧了。My throat tightened.

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他清了清嗓子。He cleared his throat.

他的嗓子倒了。He has lost his voice.

我听得出她的嗓子!I recognize her voice.

这会让我开开嗓子。It warms up the voice.

我嗓子疼。I've got a sore throat.

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他叫嚷得嗓子都哑了。He raved himself hoarse.

她有一副好嗓子。She has beautiful voice.

他抽烟抽得嗓子都疼了。He smoked his throat raw.

她的嗓子真亮。She has a resonant voice.

你嗓子疼吗?Does your throat hurt you?

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哈斯塔清了清嗓子。Hastur cleared his throat.

他咳得嗓子沙哑了。He coughed himself hoarse.

他确实有副好嗓子。He does have a good voice.

唱歌之前她大声清了清嗓子。She hawked before singing.

一直唱到我的嗓子劈了。I sang till my voice broke.

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他们清了清嗓子。They cleared their throats.

你有女高音的嗓子冯?。Do you have a soprano voice?

她的嗓子都喊哑了。Her throat husked for crying.