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当函数不满足这些标准时就会出现问题。The issues come in when the functions don't meet these criteria.

在选择标准时,要记住考虑组织所在的行业。When choosing standards, remember to consider the organization's industry.

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当软件查明某一个包符合某种标准时,将其记录到一个文件中。When the software sees a packet that fits certain criteria, it logs it to a file.

你可以预紧讯息,并指派特定标准时,应发出。You can preload messages and assign specific criteria to when they should be sent.

但是当机构提高了他的检测标准时,讴歌却没办法跟上脚步。But as the institute has strengthened its ratings, Acura hasn’t been able to keep pace.

在每一区内中央子午线上的时间,称为该区的“标准时”。The time in the middle height of each time zone, is called the standard time of this zone.

当过滤器使用的发动机比AMSOIL鄂等,改变标准时间的过滤器。When using an engine filter other than AMSOIL Ea, change the filter at standard intervals.

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访问频率是我们在确定存储标准时需要考虑的一个重要因素。Frequency of access is an important factor to consider when you determine storage criteria.

所有时区均应以格林尼治标准时间的整小时或半小时为增量。All time zones must be in full hour or half-hour increments relative to Greenwich Mean Time.

最受保藏家欢迎的功能则是双标准时区、月相和计时器。The most popular functions among collectors are dual time-zones, moon-phases andchronographs.

当一个定点达到或超越当地或国际标生态认证标准时所使用的证明。Useful where the site has met or exceeded local or national standards for eco- certification.

当出现新的技术和标准时,它们也将被并入到这些应用程序服务器中。As new technologies and standards are created, these too will be incorporated into Application Servers.

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首先,在科研人员聘用或晋升需要科研成果标准时,限制候选人发表论文的数量,并规定只有该学科排名影响前三位,前四位或前五位的期刊杂志上发表的论文才能算数。First, limit the number of papers to the best three, four, or five that a job or promotion candidate can submit.

当你遵循标准时,你已获得了通往那难寻却不变的真理之国的护照。And when you have committed yourself to them, you have acquired a passport to that elusive but immutable realm of truth.

鉴于此,设立偷税罪定罪标准时应向客观主义倾斜,以达到定罪的公正。Therefore, the condemnable standard for tax evasion should be based on objectivism to reach the fairness of condemnation.

在护理工作和护理教育中,在定或补充某些理想的标准时,护士起主要作用。The nurse plays the major role in determining and implementing desirable standards of nursing practice and nursing education.

绝大部分的日晷显示的都是视太阳时,有些在设计上作了变更,可以显示标准时或是日光节约时间…Most sundial designs indicate apparent solar time. Minor design variations can measure standard and daylight saving time, as well.

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具有12根时针的时钟。以东京时间为标准时差,12根时针上分别标有世界各城市的名称。A clock with twelve hands that have the names of 12 world cities written on them, all the cities are in different time-zones from Tokyo.

又如所表明的那样,世卫组织并没有急于宣布大流行的出现,而是只在完全满足了这样去做的所有标准时才做出了这种宣布。As also noted, WHO did not rush to declare a pandemic, but did so only when fully satisfied that all criteria for doing so had been met.

但是,编写这些标准时并没有说产品包装盒上简单的首字母缩写就能够确保甚至暗示其兼容性。However, the standards were not written in such a way that a simple acronym on the product box will ensure or even suggest compatibility.