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商人们那天晚上在商队旅馆过夜。The merchants lied at a caravanserai that night.

哈桑老人和儿子纳苏,带领商队与风沙搏斗。Hassan and Nassau lead the caravan and sand fight.

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我们曾和一支有一万二千头骆驼的商队一起行进。Once we were part of a caravan of twelve thousand camels.

弥留之际,老人把整个商队的命运和未来交给了儿子。In his last time Hassan let Nassau lead the whole caravan.

大漠荒凉,长路漫漫。哈桑老人为整个商队指引着道路。Barren desert, a long way off. Hassan guided the caravan road.

商队士兵会升级到步战雇佣兵和步战职业杀手。Caravan Soldiers become Foot Mercenaries and Foot Hired Blades.

商队骑马民兵以长剑作战,他们装备精良,但训练较差。Poorly trained, but well equipped cavalry who fight with a sword.

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在进入森林之前,他把商队的所有人员叫到一起。Before entering it, he called together all the members of the caravan.

“对于穿越撒哈拉沙漠的黄金商队来说,这里是终点站”,他表示。“It was a terminus for the gold caravans crossing the Sahara, ” he said.

这里,直到20世纪开始很久,骆驼商队依然四处可见。Camel caravans were a common sight here until well into the 20th century.

在远方,满载而归的穆斯林商队正在返回的路上。In the distance, rewarding experience of the Muslim caravan was way back.

他在阿伊尔高原的一个村庄长大,每年跟随父亲参加骆驼商队。He grew up in an Aïr village, making the annual camel caravan with his father.

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运送货物的商队来往于大地,巨大的船只横穿海洋。Caravans of trade goods come overland, and great ships call from across the sea.

以实玛利人的商队携带约瑟到埃及当奴隶的时候也带有没药。The Ishmaelite caravan which carried Joseph to slavery in Egypt also bore myrrh.

商队有四十头骆驼,骡子的数量则是骆驼的两倍。There were forty camels in the caravan, and the mules were twice forty in number.

那支商队披星戴月赶路,以便按时到达目的地。The caravan traveled by night and day in order to reach their destination on time.

非洲西部的毛里塔尼亚,流动蜿蜒的撒哈拉沙丘向一队骆驼商队致意。Fluid curves of Saharan sand dunes greet a camel caravan in Mauritania, West Africa.

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商队客栈能够提高显著城堡贸易,同时允许城堡组建精锐骆驼骑兵部队。Caravansary greatly increases trade, and allows the recruitment of elite camel cavalry.

渐渐地,整个商队淹没在了狂暴的风沙与夜幕的黑暗中。Gradually, the whole caravan submerged in a raging sandstorm and the darkness of night.

然后他们就把商队所有的货物和牛车据为己有。Then they had taken for themselves all the merchandise and bullock carts of the caravan.