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到了清代改称为太和殿。Has renamed to the Qing Dynasty as too with the palace.

但宋朝忌讳玄字,因而改称真武。However, Hyun Song taboo words, which was renamed Zhenwu.

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于是,他们就改称那地方叫亚伯麦西,就是「埃及人哀哭」的意思。And after they embalmed him, he was placed in a coffin in Egypt.

1879年,日本吞并琉球并改称冲绳县。Japan seized Ryukyu in 1879 and changed its name to Okinawa Prefecture.

现在,在许多严肃场合改称为“不同能力的人”。But now, on many formal occasions, people use the phrase "differently abled".

简称民盟,最早成立于1939年11月,1944年9月正式改称中国民主同盟。First established in November 1939, it took its present name in September 1944.

菲律宾只是要求将南中国海改称为“菲律宾海”。The Philippines just demanded the South China Sea be called "the Philippine Sea.

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就连威尔士人也不再对威尔士党那么钟情了,现在他们改称“威尔士的人民”。Even Plaid no longer appeals to the "Welsh", referring instead to the "people of Wales".

不久,粤北行政公署改称韶关专区。Soon, the Civil Administration was renamed the northern part of Guangdong Shaoguan area.

不过,就其成长力而言,或许应改称其为“怪兽”。Nevertheless, grow with respect to its force , should change probably call its " strange animal ".

标签改称“中国、越南、美国、日本制造及中国再次制造”可能更为恰当。A tag like "Made in China, Vietnam, the United States, Japan, and China again, " might be more apt.

两军的将领都曾仔细研究过圣约翰山平原枣本日已改称滑铁卢平原。The two generals had attentively studied the plain of Mont-Saint-Jean, now called the plain of Waterloo.

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警方最初表示,劫匪使用的是卡拉什尼科夫步枪,但后来又改称是手枪。The police initially said the thieves wielded Kalashnikov rifles, but later said they were carrying handguns.

因为这个名称只包含了两个民族,后来这个地区又改称西北自治区。Because the name included only two ethnic groups, the region was later changed to the Autonomous Area of the Northwest.

环境署现在改称,原先的那份评估过分乐观,在短短十年间,大猩猩就可能完全丧失它们的栖身之所。UNEP now says that date was overly optimistic, and gorillas could lose their habitat entirely in as little as a decade.

这一改称反映出文人阶层对文人南戏价值品格的认定,而选用“传奇”称名也有其文学渊源和戏剧观念背景。As an adaptation for the literati's literature-focused Nanxi drama, "Chuanqi" reflects the concept of drama of that time.

如果你不能用这些气候变化现象作为全球变暖的确切证据,或许你应该改称其为“全球异常”。If you can't exactly point to the climate changes as evidence of global warming, perhaps you can call it global weirding.

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清代顺治元年更名靖远卫,雍正八年改称靖远县。Junji the first year of the Qing Dynasty changed its name Wei Jingyuan, Yongzheng was renamed eight years Jingyuan County.

苹果计算机公司在本周有大的动作,该公司的执行总裁史帝文爵博宣布,公司名称将改称苹果公司。Apple computer had a big week , steve jobs , the chief executive officer announced the company would now just be called apple.

1909年铃木先生在静冈县滨名郡创建了铃木织机制作所,1954年改称铃木汽车工业公司。Suzuki Hamana in Shizuoka County created a Suzuki Loom Manufacturing, Automotive Industry Corporation in 1954, renamed Suzuki.