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他们在削减盈利,And they're cutting a profit.

盈利被亏损抵销了。The gains are balanced by the losses.

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但盈利可能正在失去后劲。But earnings may be losing their steam.

我想二零零九年咱们的盈利状况会很好。I guess we'll HAs a bad profit the age.

让盈利充分增长,把亏损止于少额。Cut your losses short and let profits run.

他们不明白盈利能力为什么很重要。They do not see why profitability matters.

上年同期公司盈利633.34万元。Last year, the company profit 6333400 yuan.

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这行业盈利不多。The profits in this business are not large.

但是盈利方式完全不同了。But the moneymaking was completely different.

报道说,鲲鹏航空没有实现盈利。The report said the carrier was unprofitable.

然而目前中国篮球盈利状况不佳。But the current CBA system is not so profitable.

张富生拒绝对2008年的盈利情况做出估计。He declined to give an estimate for 2008 profit.

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詹姆斯预计公司今年就可以开始盈利。James expects to turn his first profit this year.

尽力做到可能的盈利要三倍于可能的亏损。Strive for at least 3x potential profit vs. loss.

他们懂得市场,懂得如何盈利They understood markets, they understood profits.

奴隶制已经不仅是个盈利的金融机构了It wasn't just a profitable financial institution.

网络教育会壮大,但会盈利吗?Webucation will be big, but will it be profitable?

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保洁公司历经三载才开始在中国盈利。P&G took three years to become profitable in China.

像通过一个很热门网站的流量来盈利。Monetizing traffic on a popular website, for example.

我可以用我电子网站未来的销售盈利来付你开发网站的费用吗?Can I pay for my e-commerce site from my website sales?