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那部车的坚固外观只是虚有其表。The car's sturdy appearance lied.

它能将一只坚固的玻璃杯撑破。It can broken a hard glass bottle.

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这座桥造得很坚固。This bridge is very solidly built.

坚固的正面和背面拉选项卡上。Sturdy front and back pull-on tabs.

浸塑搁物架,坚固耐用,易于清洁。Dip shelves, durable, easy to clean.

底板采用坚固槽钢。Motherboard adopts hard notch steel.

发布版本2.3比主线更坚固。Release 2.3 is firmer than mainline.

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城堡建筑在坚固的岩石上。The castle is founded on solid rock.

维克斯堡城的防御工事实在是太坚固了。The city's defenses were too strong.

妳的骄傲曾筑起了壹堵那样坚固的墙。Ur pride has built a wall, so strong.

温暖的家是我们休息的港湾和坚固的大后方。A warm home is our bay and solid base.

你的骄傲曾筑起了一堵那样坚固的墙。Your pride has built a wall, so strong.

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而用氟化物漱口则能够使其坚固。A fluoride rinse can help strengthen it.

一个坚固的工作台是必须的。A strong worktable is a definitive must.

橡胶纤维坚固的让你看不出来。The rubber fibers are deceivingly strong.

坚固美观的外壳,标准2U机箱设计。Firm and sophisticated standard 2U design.

但是它必须坚固耐用的气派。It must be sturdy and durable yet stylish.

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于是我决定建一个坚固的栅栏。So I decided to build a very strong fence.

坚固耐用,不脱色碳橡胶外底。Durable, non-marking carbon rubber outsole.

将抛投绳固定在船的坚固点上。Fix operation line to strong point on ship.