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打查号台查问电话号码。Call advice for the number.

他详细地查问了这事。He inquired closely about it.

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他受到警察的查问。He was questioned by the police.

我查问有关去纽约的火车开行情况。I enquired about trains to New York.

去查问一下庆祝活动几点钟开始。Go to check what time the celebration starts.

二人回家后,朱妈查问事情原委。Two people back home, Zhu Ma concerning things wrong.

警方正在查问与劫案有关的两个人。The police are interviewing two men in connection with the robbery.

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我来查问一笔从伦敦汇来的五千英镑汇款。Ive come to inquire about a five-thousand-pound remittance from London.

访问员向受访人查问他们对最低工资的意见。The interviewer asked the interviewees their opinions on the minimum wage.

我查问了我的巨富的朋友们,了解他们等待什么痛苦。I checked with my mega-rich friends to learn what pain they were expecting.

旺角警区部分警务人员亦被查问。He said some officers from Mong Kok police station are also being questioned.

希西家向祭司,利未人查问这堆垒。Then Hezekiah questioned with the priests and the Levites concerning the heaps.

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尼娜查问当地的医院,寻找任何外表特征与泰瑞或金姆相似的人。Nina checks out the local hospitals, looking for anyone that resembles Teri or Kim.

翻译人员应当在查问、询问笔录上签字。And the interpreter shall affix his name on the transcripts of interrogation or inquiry.

人冒失说,这是圣物,许愿之后才查问,就是自陷网罗。It is a snare to the man who devoureth that which is holy, and after vows to make enquiry.

她吃苦头,而这就是报答,殿下,您有何权利查问我的爱情和友谊?What right have you, your highness, to call me to account for my friendships, my affections?

一个保安查问他的身份证明,他向保安出示了徽章“特勤处”。A guard asks to see ID, and the two men with the cart flash badges that read “SECRET SERVICE.”

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于是希律王私下召见那几位天文学家,仔细查问那星出现的准确时间。Then Herod called the Magi secretly and found out from them the exact time the star had appeared.

因为该查问式是唯一的与随机的,结果得到的杂凑值也是唯一的与随机的。Since the challenge is unique and random, the resulting hash value will also be unique and random.

怀亚特跟赛尔夫谈了谈有关他查问“将军”一事,赛尔夫拒绝回答。Wyatt accosts Self about his investigation on General Krantz. Self refuses to tell Wyatt anything.