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她喜欢戴优质珍珠。She enjoys wearing orients.

威丽优质伦敦口味纯干杜松子酒。Wembley London Dry Gin N. V.

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这钟是优质品。The clock is of good quality.

HDPE及优质镀锌钢钉。HDPE with zinc coated steel nail.

我给你加优质无铅汽油。I will give you premium unleaded.

万得妙是优质的天然牛奶。Wondermilk is premium fresh milk.

优质饲料使犍牛长肉。Good fodder fleshed the steers up.

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加拿大出产优质小麦。Canada produces high-guality wheat.

我公司提供优质马铃薯淀粉。We supply high-grade potato starch.

优质木材工艺品。High-quality wooden arts and crafts.

洗眼泉的水是制造白酒的优质泉水。There is a spring well up cool water.

两个进来在黑色的优质皮革。Both come in premium leathers in black.

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优价真能保证优质吗?Could high cost guarantee high quality?

九鼎香优质礼篮已面世!High-quality gift baskets is available!

有优质白瓷的意思。It means the top-grade white porcelain.

制胜之道,源于优质服务!Excellent service is the way to success!

那条白金项链上印有纯正优质标记。The necklace was hallmarked with Pt 999.

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优质碳素钢的热处理。High-quality carbon steel heat treatment.

广州利运,您专业的优质空气管家。Liyun, your high quality air stewardship.

采用优质硅钢片。High-quality silicon steel sheet structure.