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身强力壮。And grow strong.

我觉得身强力壮一如以往。I feel as well and strong as ever.

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我手脚没有抽筋,我感到身强力壮。I have no cramps and I feel strong.

那儿的那个身强力壮的男人是我叔叔。The heavyset man over there is my uncle.

这样我们就能身强力壮。As a result, we can become strong-bodied.

三个身强力壮的男子才把他给按住了。It took three strong men to hold him down.

只有身强力壮的人能举得起它。None but a strong man could have lifted it.

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身强力壮的人谁也不愿吃闲饭。A strong man is not willing to be a loafer or sponger.

他虽然上了年纪,但还是身强力壮。Although he is getting along, he is still strong and lusty.

杰克是个聪明的孩子,他身强力壮,性情温厚,手脚勤快。Jack was a clever boy, strong, good-natured , and ready with his hands.

男孩比秦奋大一岁,又身强力壮,很霸道。Boys a year older than the Qin-fen, but also able-bodied, very domineering.

他觉得自己身强力壮,凡事自作主张,经常是他,第一个挑起了打架。He feels strong and independent. He is often the first one to start a fight.

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独眼基洛洛带着一队身强力壮的警察,在码头上拦住心急火燎的捕鲸船长。One-eyed Kelolo and ab and of able policemen met the fiery whaler at the pier.

喜欢刺枪使棒,身强力壮,不取妻室,终日打熬筋骨。Like charges to stick, chicken, and did not take wives, all hit others physique.

如果你喜欢沉默寡言、身强力壮的类型,那么戈登·弗里曼就是你的人选。If you're someone who loves the strong, silent type, then Gordon Freeman is your man.

我们在仲冬时节开进这里,那时,我带来的是一连身强力壮、充满希望的士兵。Here, when we marched in at mid-winter, I brought a company of strong and hopeful men.

他朝我望着,尽管身强力壮,他还是觉得对我说得礼貌一点好。He looked at me and, heavy and strong man as he was, he thought it wiser to speak me fair.

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有机会坐火车旅行,穿得起这么漂亮的衣服,又身强力壮,能在这么漂亮的地方吃饭。He rode on trains, dressed in such nice clothes, was so strong, and ate in these fine places.

他是个了不起的男人,他身强力壮不仅能够撒网捕鱼而且也能够在打渔时与风浪拼搏。He was a big man, and he was strong from pulling the nets and fighting the seas for his catch.

在我年幼的印象中,他不仅是一名谈判高手,也是一个身强力壮的勇士,他的严厉和毫不妥协曾让我害怕。A fierce negotiator and man of strength, he terrified me with his discipline and stern nature when I was young.