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煤气灯吹灭了。The gas lamp blew out.

煤气灯投下一片片幽暗的光。Gaslights cast a shadowy glow.

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电灯已经取代了煤气灯。Electric light has superseded gas light.

煤气灯是一项多么了不起的发明啊!What a glorious discovery is the gaslight!

一盏没灯罩的煤气灯照亮了这间房间。A gas-jet without a globe lit up the place.

克拉斯在点煤气灯,冷得直抖。Crass shivered with cold as he lit the gas-jets.

走廊里的煤气灯应该是开着的,调得比较暗。The gaslights in the passage would be on, turned low.

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煤气灯照明已经为电所取代了。The old gas lighting has been replaced by electricity.

请把煤气灯开大一点,我想继续看书。Please turn up the gas a little, I want to go on reading.

当时巴黎的街道上一盏煤气灯也还没有。At that epoch there were no gas-jets in the streets of Paris.

他点亮煤气灯,坐了下来,准备等一小会儿。Lighting the gas, he sat down, preparing to wait a little while.

她走到梳妆台前,划了根火柴,点亮了煤气灯。She went over to the dresser and struck a match, lighting the gas.

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然而,煤气灯是有烟的,而蜡烛很容易引起火险。However, gaslights were smoky and candles carried the risk of fire.

“什么!”嘉莉说。她点亮煤气灯,找衣服穿。"What! " said Carrie, lighting the gas and searching for her clothes.

镜子两边的煤气灯,发出强烈的光芒,把她身上照得暖和和的。The gas jets on either side of the mirror flooded her with warm , crude light.

19世纪90年代。果园街97号的主人给公寓装上了煤气灯。The owners of 97 Orchard Street placed gas lighting in the building in the 1890s.

这张黑白照片记录了上世纪50年代轰趴帮们庆祝“煤气灯俱乐部”分店开业的场景。Here, partygoers in the 1950s celebrate the opening of a new Gaslight Club branch.

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这时他走了回来,让那些煤气灯继续亮着,感觉这套公寓像是空洞洞的。Now he walked back, leaving the lights ablaze, and feeling as if the flat were empty.

出租车停在一条狭窄而且空无一人的街上,街尽头孤零零地亮着一盏煤气灯。The taxi stopped in a narrow, solitary street with a single gas-lamp flaring at the end.

在许多油黑发亮,象石头一样的长桌上的其中一条上,一个煤气灯轻柔的嘶嘶响着。Bunsen burner hissed softly on one of the many long, black, polished stone-like counters.