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敝今得之更有龙虎神威!This was the more spacious dragon divinity!

且看热血男儿,扬我中华神威。And see warm-blooded son, Yang I the great power.

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最后,利用软件模拟的方法在神威超级计算机上进行了验证。At last, authors test it by software simulation on SW super-computer.

但他为了自己的名,仍然救了他们。这是为了彰显他自己的神威大能。Yet he saved them for his name's sake, to make his mighty power known.

中国的电脑工程师还发明了超级电脑-神威。Chinese computer engineers have also developed the supercomputer Shenwei.

但是和中国最新的超级计算机系统——神威太湖之光相比,这根本算不了什么。But that is nothing compared to China's new supercomputing system, Sunway TaihuLight.

目前,世界最快超级计算机,也是中国研发的神威太湖之光。The world's current fastest computer, the Sunway Taihulight was also developed by China.

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牛奶箱在堆放书刊或其他你能想到的乱七八糟的东西上可谓大发神威。Dairy crates are great for storing and stacking books, media, and whatever else you can think of.

我要努力在行动上体现你,因为是你的神威给了我行动的力量。And it shall be my endeavour to reveal thee in my actions, knowing it is thy power gives me strength to act.

在这样的速度下,日本的计算机将超过中国目前速度达到93千万亿次每秒的神威太湖之光。At that speed, Japan's computer would be ahead of China's Sunway Taihulight that is capable of 93 petaflops.

目前,美国的计数机系统没有一套比得上中国最新的“神威太湖之光”系统的表现。There is no U. S. -made system that comes close to the performance of China's new system the Sunway TaihuLight.

直到2008-09年下半年开始,安菲尔德目睹他大显神威,一周后。It wasn't until the latter half of 2008-09 that Anfield began witnessing his mercurial talent week in, week out.

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可能他太年轻了,不足以一场又一场地大发神威,不过弗格森会乐意在手头上预备一个做好充分准备的“捕食者”。He may be too young to prosper week after week but Ferguson would like to have a predator on hand who is fully equipped.

唐格拉说,“神威蓝光”基于此前未披露过的申威1600处理器。The Sunway system is based on a previously undisclosed component called the ShenWei processor SW1600, Mr. Dongarra said.

这门炮炮身长2.85米,口径105毫米,由于中炮身上铸有“敕赐神威大将”而得名。The gun cannon 2.85 meters length, diameter, because ZhongBao 105 mm on a "miserable molten named power linchpin" given.

寻找最热门的赌场?找到每天都支付的超过70个在线赌场游戏。今天你就在博狗娱乐场大显神威吧!Looking for the hottest casino action? Find over 70 online casino games that pay out day after day. Make a name for yourself at Bodog Casino today!

他在当时有一种说不出的神威,使群众往后退,并且排着队让他过去,他缓缓地一步一步穿过人群。At that moment there was about him that divine something which causes multitudes to stand aside and make way for a man. He traversed the crowd slowly.

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四以壮大神威布道,各种独特而有效的传播方式,使早期道教得到迅速传播和发展。Fourthly, It spread with strengthening divinities. These especial and effective spread forms of the early Taoism made it spread and developed rapidly.

财政政策、货币政策和外汇政策的搭配使用使得以IS—LM—BP模型为核心的凯恩斯主义大显神威。The combining use of fiscal policies, monetary policies as well as exchange policies makes Keynesianism based on the IS-LM-BP model show its magic power.

这个亚洲巨人去年六月建造了超算神威太湖之光,是之前排名第一速度的两倍。The Asian giant built the world's fastest supercomputer the Sunway TaihuLight machine in June last year which was twice as fast as the previous number one.