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这并非我们可以居功的事情。This isn't something that we can claim credit for.

陆英与你们白家,居功不小。Six Englishes with you white house, take the honor no small.

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诸如历法的发明、中国医药以及其它种种东西,他皆是居功厥伟。Among them, he is credited with inventing the calendar and Chinese medicine.

千出席卡尔扎伊总统的集会星期四在喀布尔,他居功开放女校。Thousands attended Karzai's rally in Kabul Thursday in which he claimed credit for opening girls' schools.

很难描述一个人如何创作音乐,因为我难以居功。我觉得它更像是灵魂的或天堂的。It's hard to say how one creates music, because it's hard for me to take credit. I feel it's more spiritual or heavenly.

韩信求封“假王”之事,一直被学术界认为“借机争权”或“居功要挟以求利”。Han-xin'asking for "Furlough-King" has been throught "to scrabble for the authority" or "take credit to himself in order to benefit" by the academe.

对于重复和微软的对话或是对公司发行软件开发工具包的决定去居功,李并不感兴趣。He isn’t interested in rehashing his conversations within Microsoft or taking credit for the company’s decision to release a software development kit.

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道,调节万物在其食物链上的角色,使每种生物皆有生存的空间。可是道却不居功,认为祂做了什麽合乎义的事。Tao plays its role in adjusting the food chain of all creatures to make them live but it does not take credit to itself, thinking that it does something conforming to the righteousness.

刘母见九妹眼睛上蒙着纱布,忍不住问她眼睛怎么了,九妹不想居功,便说她只是不小心摔了一跤。Liu mother see nine younger sister eyes covered with gauze, could not help but ask whats wrong with her eyes, nine younger sister dont want to claim credit, and said she just accidentally fell.

早在60多年前,科学家就已知道世界上大多数蝙蝠都能「听声辨物」,可见回声定位对蝙蝠演化的成功与种类的多样性居功厥伟。The revelation more than 60 years ago that most of the world's bats can "see with sound" made clear that echolocation contributed significantly to the great evolutionary success and diversity of bats.