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小猫咪看到了一只蟋蟀。The kittens see a cricket.

并不相信这只蟋蟀。He didn't believe the cricket.

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“我没有买,”蟋蟀说。"I didn't, " said the cricket.

蟋蟀在草丛中高声鸣叫。A cricket shrills in the grass.

一只蟋蟀在草丛中尖声歌唱。A cricket shrills in the grass.

一些收藏级的蟋蟀正在出售。A collection of crickets for sale.

她,也是一只安静的蟋蟀。She, too, was a very quiet cricket.

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蟋蟀上房叫,庄稼挨水泡。Cricket is built by blisters, crops.

倚着曼陀林,蟋蟀在鸣唱。My cricket chirps against thy mandolin.

是啾啾的蟋蟀在跟你的琵琶应和!My cricket chirps against thy mandolin.

在香港是禁止斗蟋蟀的。Cricket fighting is banned in Hong Kong.

夜里蟋蟀在林中唧唧地叫。At night the crickets chirp in the woods.

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“我用翅膀唱歌,”蟋蟀吱吱喳喳。"I sing with my wing, " chirped the cricket.

一个摊位上正在进行的一场即兴蟋蟀大战。An impromptu cricket fight in one of the stalls.

于是他急忙得去寻找木兰,小蟋蟀也跟在后面。He hurried off to find her, followed by Cri-Kee.

白化角蛙食蟋蟀,但不成功。Pacman Horned Frog eats cricket but not success.

皮诺奇笑了笑,并不相信这只蟋蟀。Pinocchio laughed. He didn't believe the cricket.

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马唐,蟋蟀,早熟,冬季阔叶。PRE Crabgrass, Goosegrass, Poa, winter broad leaves.

它们并不比一只蟋蟀唧唧的叫声更加高明。They were probably no wiser than a cricket's chirrup.

装饰用的“歌唱蟋蟀”正卧在小小的笼子中。Above, ornamental singing crickets sit in small cages.