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我们能用它们当鱼饵吗?Can we use them as baits?

一条鱼在轻轻地啃鱼饵。A fish nibbles at the bait.

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有个鱼饵下沉到四十英寻的深处。One bait was down forty fathoms.

一条鱼不断地在轻轻咬我的鱼饵。A fish kept nib bling at my bait.

我还知道哪里可以弄到四个鱼饵哩。I know where I can get four baits too.

我能感觉到有鱼在轻咬鱼饵。I could feel fish nibbling at the bait.

鱼饵香气四溢,味道鲜美。Overflowing bait aroma, taste delicious.

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免费永远是最吸引人的咒语,犹如鱼饵。Abracadabra is not the magic word, FREE is.

鱼饵游姿测试达到印假乱真的效果。The swim posture is similar to the real fish.

肯定有什么鱼在咬鱼饵了。There must be some fish nibbling at the bait.

那鱼一下子咬住了鱼饵。She was all the more inclined to snap at Hall.

来到鱼塘边,爸爸教我装上鱼饵。Come to the pond, my father taught me with bait.

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想钓大鱼,就不要怕白费鱼饵。He that would catch fish, must venture his bait.

鱼饵店对海龟来说就象是小孩子的糖果店。A bait shop is a virtual candy store for a turtle.

他的鱼饵是孩子们给的沙丁鱼。His baits were the sardines the boy had given him.

我准备好了鱼饵,将它吊在了鱼钩上。I am ready for a bait, it will be hanging on a hook.

我们还剩了很多曲奇。我们能用它们当鱼饵吗?We have many cookies left here. Can we use them as baits?

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现在我该去拿你我用的沙丁鱼,还有给你的新鲜鱼饵。Now I must get your sardines and mine and your fresh baits.

加利福尼亚州康科德的Pro-Troll公司在其鱼饵中也加入了芯片。Pro-Troll of Concord, Calif., also puts chips in its lures.

我爱礼拜日下午钓鱼看黑鲈吃鱼饵上钩。And small mouth bass have got me hooked on Sunday afternoons.