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我后悔自己的卤莽。I regret that his own reckless.

他的急燥卤莽最终导致了他的毁灭。His rashness led ultimately to his ruin.

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他向我抱怨他的卤莽。She complained to me about his rudeness.

但是你一定要谨慎行事,一定不要卤莽行动。But you need to be wary of reckless action.

他虽然行动卤莽,但亦不无理由。Though he acted rashly, he had some excuse.

罗多维科这卤莽而不幸的人在哪儿?Lodovico. Where is this rash and most unfortunate man?

采取一些措施对付卤莽驾驶。Some measures are taken to prevent the reckless drive.

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这辆车的司机由于卤莽驾驶被拘捕。The driver of the car was arrested for reckless driving.

高提一开始是个残暴卤莽的混混。John Gotti was a violent and reckless hoodlum from his earliest days.

人人嘲笑利比亚卤莽的“领导人”,人人都更爱他的金钱。Everyone mocked Libya’s madcap “Leader,” but loved his money even more.

人人嘲笑利比亚卤莽的“领导人”,人人都更爱他的金钱。Everyone mocked Libya’s madcap “Leader, ” but loved his money even more.

他是如此卤莽的闯过红灯,以至于被警察喝令把车停到路边。He was pulled over by the policeman when he broke the red light so recklessly.

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很多人打他的卤莽下跌和吹号角的方式,但他总是似乎顶端。Many folks down play his forwardness and horn blowing ways, but he always seems to be on top.

这与她师父有时卤莽的教导形成了鲜明的对比。It is a dynamic that provides a sharp contrast to the sometimes reckless teachings of her Master.

他后悔当时遗弃苔丝的卤莽行为,决定返回英国与苔丝言归于好。He then abandoned Tess regret the reckless behavior, decided to return to Britain and Tess Yanguixuhao.

她有一台体积庞大的天蓝色的轿车,她驾驶汽车可能太卤莽,而一般来讲她的车技大概还不算差。She had an enormous sky-blue car, which she drove perhaps too boldly, though generally speaking she wasn’t a bad driver.

那么,难道达西先生认为,不管你本来的打算是多么轻率卤莽,只要你一打定主意就坚持到底,也就情有可原了吗?Would Mr. Darcy then consider the rashness of your original intention as atoned for by your obstinacy in adhering to it?

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英国汽车协会驾驶分会最新公布的一份调查报告显示,该国部分年轻人在晚间驾车时行为极其卤莽。Some young motorists show "an alarming disregard" for their own and others' safety when driving at night, an AA Motoring Trust report reveals.

隔空移物的训练,对身体和意志的磨练,还有其他种种卢克从未受过的考验,渐渐把这个卤莽的年轻人磨砺成为一名绝地。Telekinetic challenges, challenges of the will and body, more challenges than Luke had ever faced before helped mold the reckless youth into a Jedi.

拉斐特市警察局的马克·弗朗西斯警官表示,本次事故的肇事者名叫威利·爱德华兹,他是休斯顿市爱德华兹运输公司的一名卡车司机,他已因卤莽驾驶而被当地警方传唤。Willie Edwards, a trucker for Edwards Transport of Houston, was cited for reckless driving, said Cpl. Mark Francis of the Lafayette Police Department.