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我们仿佛置身于天堂!We were in heaven!

我置身在静室。I am in a quiet room.

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因为我已经置身其中。Because I've lived it.

他们已经置身其中。They have been in the thick of it.

想象自己置身于那样一个蜜蜂嘤嘤的空地。Imagine yourself in that bee-loud glade.

置身一片黑暗,是何其可怕的事情。There was a fire last night in Fairview.

就像我们一直梦想的,仿若置身云端。From the cloud. Like we’ve always dreamed.

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所以,我置身于外,我们这样做是对的。So, now I stay out of it. We did it right.

这里置身局外的观察人代表了什么?What does this observer ab extra represent?

我要让他们觉得自己置身于另一个世界。I want them to feel they're in another world.

人们似乎感觉置身于高海拔的伊甸园中。It feels like a high-altitude Garden of Eden.

我不可能置身度外,我不能没有基斯。I can't be neutral or distanced, not with Keith.

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也许你也已经置身于一家家族企业。Perhaps you've worked in a family business, too.

我和你恰恰都是置身于猪舍当中。You and I are right in the middle of the pigpen.

当你置身其中,好像一切都顺理成章And when you're in it, it sort of all makes sense.

置身于金融危机之中,当一名社会主义者也是福气一种。BLISS is it in a financial crisis to be a socialist.

很多人可能会发现自己置身于高潮水包围之中。Many could find themselves in acqua alta-high water.

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只用走上几步路,我就可以置身于云杉、桦树和柳树之间。A few paces puts me among spruce and birch and willow.

置身于苦难与阳光之间的人。Place oneself in suffering and sunshine people between.

人为什么要让自己置身于致癌的危险中呢?Why do people put themselves at risk of getting cancer?