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此并发症也不多见。This complication is also infrequent.

鸡尾酒疗法也有并发症。Treatment with HAART has complications.

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无神经损伤或感染等并发症。There were no nerve palsies or infection.

手术后出现了一些并发症。A few complications cropped up post-surgery.

什么是激光美容术并发症?What is laser cosmetic surgery complications?

哈斯顿因为艾滋病的并发症身亡。Halston dies of complications relating to Aids.

可能出现的一种并发症是脱垂。One complication which can arise is a prolapse.

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无骨不连和其他并发症发生。There were no nonunion and other complications.

他是否有健康并发症,目前还不知晓。It was not known if he had health complications.

全组无严重副作用或并发症。There was no severe side effeCt or complication.

流感疫苗及其神经学并发症Influenza vaccines and neurological complications

无任何操作相关并发症。No procedure-related complications were observed.

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没有其他并发症和复发的情况。There were no other complications or recurrences.

每年都有妇女死于流产并发症。Women die every year from abortion complications.

这种并发症可导致生命危险。This can result in life-threatening complications.

抑郁是卒中后的一种常见并发症。Depression is a common complication after a stroke.

无严重的手术相关并发症。No serious procedure-related complication occurred.

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无手术死亡和相关并发症发生病例。No surgery-related death or complications occurred.

脱垂是一种并发症,可以发生在妇女。Prolapse is a complication that can occur in women.

最严重的致死性并发症是暴发性结肠炎。The most le al complication is fulminating colitis.