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我们所在的银河系以及我们的紧邻仙女座星系都属于涡旋状星系,而银河系又是一个棒旋星系。The Milky Way is a barred spiral.

我们对小涡旋雷诺数的流动进行了求解。We solve the case of small vortex Reynolds number flows.

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脉冲星周期突变的3P2中子超流涡旋涡旋相振荡模型。The 3P2-superfluid phase transition model for pulsar glitches.

在青岛石岛附近还存在一个中尺度的反气旋型涡旋。There is a mesoscale anticyclone addy near Qingdao and Shidao.

这些涡旋的产生彼此相隔半小时左右。These vortices developed within 30 minutes or so of each other.

制冷机组使用先进的涡旋式压缩机和板式蒸发器。This unit includes scroll compressor and bronzed plate evaporator.

讨论了中子星内中子超流涡旋。Neutron superfluid vertex in neutron stars is discussed in this paper.

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介绍数码涡旋压缩机的工作原理及在VRV空调系统中的应用。Introduced are principles and characters of VRV air conditioning system.

选用谷轮冷冻涡旋压缩机将是您的明智决策。The choice of the Copeland scroll compressor will be your wise decision.

提出了玻璃化转变的反串级涡旋运动模式。The inverse cascade motion model of glass transition has been suggested.

度假屋提供卫星电视、DVD播放器、涡旋浴缸和蒸汽浴室。The property provides satellite-TV, DVD player and a wood burning stove.

冬季日本九州西侧海域存在一个半封闭的涡旋。Kuroshio intrusion engenders an eddy at the west of Kyushu Island of Japan.

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涡旋式压缩机主要用在空调和制冷机组中。Scroll type compressor are used in air conditioning and refrigeration unit.

他猜想颜色在一个随机、迷幻的佩斯利涡旋中无序地摆动。He imagined the colors fluctuating chaotically in a random, psychedelic paisley.

探讨了燃烧室中强涡旋流动的湍流模式及其数值计算。Numerical computation of turbulent strongly-swirling in combustors is presented.

黑潮分支大约是该涡旋的主要动力因子。The branch of Kuroshio is the direct dynamic factor of the formation of this eddy.

这些软件可应用于涡旋式压缩机的设计和开发。These software can be applied to design and development of the scroll compressors.

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可见,采用AAL型线有助于进一步提高涡旋压缩机的性能。Obviously the overall performance of scroll compressor with AAL profile is improved.

这个GRS实际上是一个大到足以吞没几个地球的巨大的反气旋性涡旋。The GRS is actually a massive anti-cyclonic vortex large enough to engulf several Earths.

论文重点针对如何解决在大排气量下涡旋压缩机排气压力损失问题展开了讨论。The discharge pressure loss in large capacity scroll compressor is discussed in this paper.