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乐队不停地演奏着摇滚乐曲。The band rocked away.

你喜欢摇滚乐吗?Do you like rock music?

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我们该如何面对摇滚乐?So how do we approach rock?

我在一个摇滚乐团弹吉他。I play guitar in a rock band.

我们是那里唯一的朋克摇滚乐迷。We were the only punks there.

甚至摇滚乐也参与了文化渗透。Even rock and roll played a part.

他对摇滚乐很感兴趣。He is interested in rock-and-roll.

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摇滚乐队歌手一名。Help wanted, singer for rock band.

保罗喜欢播放很响的摇滚乐。Paul likes playing very loud rock.

保罗喜好播放很响的摇滚乐。Paul likes playing very loud rock.

收音机在高声放着嘈杂的摇滚乐。The radio is blaring out rock music.

你喜欢听抒情歌曲还是抒情摇滚乐?Do you like ballads or soft rock music?

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摇滚乐发源于20世纪50年代。Rock-'n'-roll was started in the 1950s.

摇滚乐之王,不用多说了。The king of rock and roll. Enough said.

我们要放一段摇滚乐We're going to play some rock and roll.

该是尽情享受摇滚乐的时候了。It was time to pig out on rock and roll.

说实在,我只对摇滚乐有兴趣。Actually, I'm strictly into rock 'n' roll.

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他的摇滚乐对我来讲太吵了些。His rock music is a little tool oud for me.

他对爵士乐、摇滚乐之类的音乐感兴趣。He is interested in jazz, rock and the like.

一个少年对摇滚乐团喜欢得发狂。A teen-ager wigs out over a rock music group.