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她的呼救声变低沉了。Her cry for help dulled.

嗨,你为什么看起来这么低沉啊。Hi, why you look so down?

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这只狗发出低沉的吠声。The dog gave a low snarl.

我们一天都情绪低沉。We all cloudy cloudy day.

拍岸浪的咆哮声在这儿略为低沉。The surf's roar was here dulled.

钟蒙上块布可以使其声音低沉。A bell can be muffled with cloth.

惨的消息,他的情绪低沉下来。His spirits fell at the sad news.

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我刚听到了她那低沉宏亮的嗓音。I just heard her deep round voice.

她总是那样情绪低沉。She is always in that gloomy mood.

那个坏消息使他情绪低沉。The bad news depressed his spirits.

这女孩的声音低沉而宏亮。The young girl has a throaty voice.

低沉的男声利于女性记忆Deep male voice helps women remember

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在以色列,人们的情绪却低沉得多。In Israel, the mood is more subdued.

这位政客单调低沉地讲演。The politician droned out his speech.

然而所有的那些声音都很低沉。All those sounds were rumbles , though.

他摇晃着头低沉地哼了一声。He shook his head with a subdued "h'm."

蓝皮人又顿了一下,声音低沉下来。The Blue Man paused. His voice dropped.

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我有时高兴大笑,有时情绪低沉。Sometimes I laugh , sometimes I am down.

最近的大量邮件使他情绪低沉。The recent mail influx had depressed him.

这只狗紧盯着我,而且发出低沉的吼叫声。The dog stared at me and gave a low growl.