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醋酸酯淀粉是有机酸酯类衍生物。The acetic ester of starch is organic acids derivatives.

而茅莓根的主要化学成分是有机酸酯和烷烃。In the roots, there were carboxylic acid ester and alkane.

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含有生物碱、多糖、有机酸、鸟苷等多种活性成分。It has alkaloid, polysaccharide, organic acid and guanosine etc.

在植物细胞中,很多有机酸是被严格地分隔开的。Many organic acids are strongly compartmentalized in plant cells.

同时,探讨了弱有机酸的存在对轻重稀土分馏的影响。Also, it is discussed about the role of organic acid on fractionation.

目的研究半红树植物海芒果叶中的有机酸类成分。OBJECTIVE To study the organic acids in the leaf of Cerbera manghas L.

第二个步骤是将已分解的物质转化为有机酸。The second step is the conversion of decomposed matter to organic acids.

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五种有机酸对照品及板蓝根药材提取液毛细管电泳分离图谱。Fig 1. Typical electropherograms of five organic acids in Radix Isatidis.

许多植物的叶子吸收二氧化碳,并使之化合成有机酸。Leaves of many plants take up carbon dioxide and fix it in organic acids.

工业上常将有机酸用于制造染料、香料等。Organic acids are generally used to make dyes and spices in some industries.

黑麦根系在铝胁迫下能分泌柠檬酸和苹果酸这两种有机酸。The secretion of citrate and malate from rye roots could be induced by Al stress.

一种有毒的、不稳定的、极易挥发的有机酸,HOCN,用来制取氢酸盐或氢酸酯。A poisonous, unstable, highly volatile organic acid, HOCN, used to prepare cyanates.

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它所含的葡萄糖、有机酸易被人体直接吸收。It contains glucose, the body susceptible to the direct absorption of organic acids.

结论有机酸部位应为药材的抗结核有效部位之一。CONCLUSION The organic acid of the drug is responsible for its antituberculosis effect.

香料烟总的有机酸含量在陈化过程中前18或21个月变化幅度较大,之后变化趋于缓慢。The total content of organic acid changes fast in the 18 or 21 months, then changes slow.

有机酸作为新型的化学诱抗剂可用于果蔬的采后防腐。Oganic acid could be used as a new chemical elicitors for controlling the decay of fruits.

结论代谢有机酸色谱分析法鉴定厌氧菌是一种可靠的方法。Conclusion The anaerobes could be identificated accurately and quickly by gas chromatography.

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缺磷条件下白羽扇豆能够形成排根,并增加有机酸分泌。Phosphorus deficiency results in cluster root formation and increased organic acid exudation.

研究了江米酒中有机酸的成分及其随发酵时间的变化。The change of organic acids in rice wine with the extension of fermentation time was studied.

酚醛环氧漆对广泛的有机酸、醇、食用油、脂和溶剂具有抗性,具备最大的装货适应性。Maximum resistance to the widest range of aggressive cargos such as Methanol, EDC and Fatty Acids.