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这个主管真是废话连篇。The manager is such a windbag.

你好,洋话连篇。请问有什么事儿?Hello, Could I talk to, please?

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那本书废话连篇。That book is a load of rubbish.

这篇作文废话连篇。This composition is all nonsense.

这些报告废话连篇。These reports are total and utter rubbish.

整个报告从头至尾废话连篇。The entire report was piffle from beginning to end.

如果发表的作品错误连篇,那就会很尴尬。It's embarrassing if you publish stuff with mistakes.

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我们老师总是废话连篇,我们都快睡着了。Our teacher always beats his gums, we will go asleep.

这些文章空话连篇。The articles are long-winded and devoid of substance.

为什么成年人在聊天室谎话连篇?Why might individuals lie about themselves in a chat room?

为这个离奇且有点儿废话连篇的新闻,向您表示感谢。Thank you for this bizarre and amusing bit of nonsense news.

不到50个字的遗书,写得歪歪扭扭、错字连篇。The letter is of fewer than 50 words, but is full of mistakes.

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谁愿意坐在那里听你废话连篇呢?Who would like to sit there listening to your beating your gums?

短短半个世纪里,电影这玩艺从无声发展到了废话连篇…In a mere half century films have gone from silent to unspeakable.

谁喜欢坐在那里听你的废话连篇?Who would enjoy sitting there listening to your beating your gums?

三十年前有人刻薄地称他们为“废话连篇的空谈家。”"Chain talkers, " someone had sourly called them thirty years before.

但是一些小事上惹出的连篇谎话都能导致婚姻搁浅。But consistent lying — even about minor matters — can unglue a marriage.

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但是一些小事上惹出的连篇谎话都能导致婚姻搁浅。But consistent lying -- even about minor matters -- can unglue a marriage.

本科,英语专业,曾在洋话连篇工作多年。Lv Yao, Bachelor degree, English major , in Modern English for many years.

陆克文没有经验,他空话连篇,他不可能上台”。Rudd has no experience. He is all talk, but he can't back it up, " he says.