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征募的贵族民团和权贵的私军与他同行。With him went the noble levy and the private magnate armies.

贵族民团被解除他们义务,解散。The noble levy, deciding their duty was discharged, dispersed.

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林被罢官,黄率民团与贝勒展开恶斗。Lin was explicitly, yellow rate with baylor scattered on armed.

高地民团军纪极差,徒逞蛮勇,以最简陋武器奋勇作战。Ill disciplined and fierce peasants from the Highlands armed with a basic hand weapon.

民团昨天曾誓言要把他们的行动扩大到肯尼亚中部。The vigilante group had vowed yesterday to extend the operation all over Central Kenya

未来可能出现紧张局势,他们将使用这些民团组织来对抗民族武装组织。They will use these militia groups to confront the ethnic armed groups if there is tension in the future.

当地民团由大其力地区的村庄中的拉祜族,阿卡族和掸族组成。Many of these militia groups are made up of ethnic Lahu, Akha and Shan from villages in Tachilek District.

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理论上,这些民团是政治组织,但是民团实际的优势在于军事上。In theory, the sangams mobilize tribals politically, but in practice, their real advantage to the Maoists is military.

观察家说,军政府计划接管改编后成为民团的民主克伦佛教军控制的所有跨边界贸易通道。Observers say that the junta plans to take over control of all cross-border trade after transforming the DKBA into a BGF.

1988年,国家主席和武装民团为军事政权推翻,人民享有什么益处都没有得到。In 1988, the chairman of states and the militias were ousted by the military regime and people enjoyed nothing benefits at all.

在过去的一周中,村民们在该地区成立了警戒民团,并打死了至少12名被怀疑是群众帮派的成员。In the past week, villagers in the area had formed vigilante groups and killed at least 12 people suspected of being Mungiki members.

由于组织严密、纪律性强、与行政机构及学校紧密配合,广西当局利用民团组织普及国民基础教育成效显著,文盲率大幅度下降。Because of its well-organized network, the then Guangxi government made rapid progress in elementary education, improving the rate of literacy.

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据当地村民称,马克钱武装民团的成员大部分是前蒙泰军,熟悉地形并有战斗经验。According to local villagers, most of Mark Kieng militia men were former members of Mong Tai Army and more familiar to the terrain than the PNA.

军区司令觉彪少将和国防部民团及边境武装总监貌貌翁少将发表演说。Commander Maj-Gen Kyaw Phyo and Director of People's Militia and Frontier Forces Maj-Gen Maung Maung Ohn of the Ministry of Defence delivered addresses.

如果佤联军和克伦军继续拒绝改编为边境民团,缅军将展开全面战略攻势。The Burmese government will launch attacks on two ethnic armies in Burma's volatile border regions if they continue to refuse to transform into border militias.

当最后两名幸存的民团抵达,在他们的死亡和报复自己的舞蹈锁定,艾莉必须为维护自己的清白,或受到损坏自己复仇。When the last two surviving vigilantes arrive, locked in their own dance of death and revenge, Allie must either preserve her own innocence or be corrupted by vengeance herself.

民团中,新兵被征募,在他们加入正规军前,这些人员长期接收训练和教化。In the militia, from which recruits were conscripted, the men had received training and indoctrination for an extended period before the commencement of their active regular service.

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由于持有大量政府债,PIMCO是事实上的“债券民团”的发言人——通过出售他们认为堕落的国家的债券,这些投资者会推动债券收益率升高。As a vast repository of government debt, PIMCO is the de facto spokesman for the “bond vigilantes”—investors who drive up yields by selling the bonds of countries they deem profligate.

在河南安阳县的一村子里,一个年轻的农妇告诉我,她被迫经常接待本地一个地主,国民党民团的头子。In a village in Anyang County in Honan, I found a young farm wife who told me she was constantly forced to receive the attentions of a local landlord, the head of a Kuomintang militia corps.

在血腥仇杀和乡村军事化的基础上,民团与中共一道彻底改变了乡村社会的政治生态,扭转了乡村社会变革的历史进程。In a word, it can be said that the Civil Corps had affected the political situation and accelerated the process of society transform in the rural areas, together with the Chinese Communist Party.