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她有个个人漫谈节目。She has her own chat show.

他们在漫谈中提供每人的意见。They anted up ideas in a general conversation.

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在这期专栏里,我打算漫谈我们看待这个世界的方式。In this column, I am going to be pondering how we see the world.

不要讲太长时间或信口漫谈,时长最多不超过2分钟。Don't talk for too long or ramble. Two minutes is the absolute max.

上星期天,经济系的一些学生聚集在一起漫谈。Some students of the economics department had a bull session last Sunday.

漫谈专栏作家常把他们相提并论,因此一个婚礼也许临近了。Gossip columnists often bracket them together,so a wedding may be imminent.

贝鲁斯科尼只是不再强装这个年度“漫谈会”可以达成什么实质目标。Berlusconi has simply stopped pretending that the annual talkfest serves any real purpose.

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以往的研究没有表明人们会不喜欢或不相信漫谈。Cole said, noting that previous research shows people tend to dislike and mistrust gossips.

一本书如果涉及的范围很广,人们就很难读透。但在塔尔博特先生的漫谈中,人们却另有良法。A book that ranges so wide can be hard to digest, but there is method in Mr Talbott's meandering.

我参加过这样的会议,总裁允许自己连续半小时地漫谈、咆哮、和严责。I've been in meetings where the CEO allowed himself to ramble, rant, and berate for a half hour straight.

在L横竖相依的弯处将会安置一个遮蔽门廊,供人们在漫漫夏夜闲坐、漫谈、阅读。A screened porch for sitting, talking and reading on long summer nights will be nestled in the crook of the L.

如果你事先没有准备,你可能会信口漫谈,有时会讲自己完全不适合这份工作。When you have not prepared ahead of time, you may tend to ramble, sometimes talking yourself right out of the job.

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他继续漫谈着自己和过去的生活,外面风刮起来了,象一只巨掌在摇撼着那单幢住所。As he rambled on, about himself, his past life, the wind rose up against the cottage like the prodding of a giant hand.

我们的电话交谈变成了长达90分钟的内容广泛的马拉松式漫谈,这种交谈让我了解了乔布斯的众多侧面。They turned into marathon, 90-minute, wide-ranging, off-the-record discussions that revealed to me the stunning breadth of the man.

赋话是一种近于诗话之漫谈随笔性质的赋学理论批评形式。Fu note is a Fu theory critical uniform which is similar to the informal essay and chatting characteristic of poem note in acient China.

他在流畅、炽热、漫谈式的会话中将保守派逼入窘境,在波旁茶和雪茄烟中恢复平静,因浸入巴赫的旋律而中断。He fought his conservative corner in fluent, fervent, gossipy conversations, smoothed with bourbon and cigars and interrupted by immersion in Bach.

然后,丹尼斯发了一通很长的讲话,漫谈空白信息的意思——无言胜有言。Dennis then gave a long speech, rambling on about the significance of blank messages — about how what is unsaid can often be a lot worse than what's said.

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流言,只是无伤大雅的消遣,是温文尔雅的无心漫谈,但不怎么客气的事实却让人心生厌恶。Gossip, it's just a harmless form of recreation. It's careless talk that deals in polite fiction. It's nasty speculation that's based on not-so-polite fact.

事实上一些电子邮件和文件显示,保守派和电台漫谈节目的确在人们不满的情绪上煽风点火。It is true that emails and other documents have surfaced confirming that conservative groups and talk-radio hosts have been fanning the flames of discontent.

最近披露的一些电子邮件和文档显示,保守派别和电台的电话漫谈节目确实对民众的不满情绪起到了煽风点火的作用。It is true that e-mails and other documents have surfaced confirming that conservative groups and talk-radio hosts have been fanning the flames of discontent.