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文火熬出麦芽糖。A soft fire make sweet malt.

现在这肉需要文火。The meat needs soft fire now.

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加入芥末和牛奶然后用文火慢慢煮。Add the mustard and milk and bring to a simmer.

文火煎20分钟,然后将药水滗出。Simmer gently for 20 m then drain the solution.

将炉火调小,用文火炖调味汁。Turn the heat down so the sauce simmers gently.

现在这肉需要文火。把煤气关小一点。The meat needs soft fire now. Please turn down the gas.

逐渐沸腾时,关小炉火,以文火慢慢煨调味酱。When it start to boil, turn down the heat and let the sauce simmer.

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将大黄和甘菊一起煮沸再用文火炖,熬成汤药。Make an infusion by boiling and simmering the rhubarb and camomile together.

要泡开西红柿干,需要将其放在清水中用文火炖,直到它们变软。To reconstitute dried tomatoes, simmer in plain water until they are tender.

文火烹饪的鸡肉,加入蒜肉,生姜,酸奶,和黄咖哩和香料。Mutton cooked in low heat, with garlic, ginger, yogurt, yellow curry and spices.

不过为求实际,这本书中对文火慢炖不做要求。But for the practical purposes of this book, weshall seldom consider it necessary.

他和文火伴们相依为命,想方想办法逃出魔掌。Slow fire with him and they had each other, want to party want to escape the clutches.

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慢慢地,慢慢地,如一煲汤,在文火的煎熬下,香味开始飘出来。Slowly, slowly, like a soup, in the slow fire of the torment, the smell began to float out.

将上药用文火蒸熟,然后将药调匀压制成小饼。Will slow fire on the medicinal steam, and then to suppress drug Draw Frame into tortillas.

用文火慢慢炖着,可以省去在黄昏时分到厨房里加热。Putting a meal in the slow cooker saves you from needing to heat up the kitchen later in the day.

他们将被带到塞纳河的加维纳科斯岛,就在巴黎圣母院旁,然后再无烟炭上慢慢被文火烤死,这让他们再痛苦中过了几个小时才死去。There they were slow roasted over a pile of hot, smokeless charcoal. It took hours for them to die.

在文火上加热一茶杯油脂,把半盎司药草包在粗棉布中放入浸泡。Warm one cup of oil over a low flame and place one-half ounce herbs wrapped in cheesecloth to soak.

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因为需要一股稳定的蒸汽流不断地穿过薰衣草,所以要用文火慢慢把水烧开,而不能让水剧烈翻滚。Notice how the equipment is arranged so that the steam must pass through the lavender on its way out.

头厚一头薄,一头大一头小,约有半尺多长,放在锅内用文火蒸烤至熟。A thin and thick head a big head, how about half feet, put the pot simmer steaming roast until cooked.

将胎盘洗净切成块,文火与冬虫夏草共煮,炖熟后稍加佐料食用。Will placental abluent cut agglomerate, slow fire and aweto are boiled in all, stew ripe hind slightly spice edible.