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我们是希腊学派“"We are the school of Hellas."

他是知名的斯多葛学派哲学家。He is a famous Stoic philosopher.

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洪谦是维也纳学派的成员之一。Hong Qian was a member of Vienna School.

但他也定义了一种学派。But he is also defining a kind of school.

他是这一学派思想的集大成者。He epitomized the thought of this school.

就拿古希腊的斯多葛学派的哲学家埃皮克提图来说。Take the Stoic Greek philosopher Epictetus.

他们又分裂成两个学派。They were further divided into two schools.

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这种学派后来被称为包豪斯学派。That is the genre what later called Bauhaus.

这是一个仅存在于中国的特殊绘画学派。This is a special one only existing in China.

这是唯名主义学派的学说。This is the doctrine of the nominalist party.

他们是不同哲学学派的成员。They belonged to different philosophical sects.

希腊哲学家,埃利亚学派成员。Greek philosopher, member of the Eleatic sch001.

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在这个时期产生了许多绘画学派。Many schools of paintings were in these periods.

犬儒是古代希腊哲学学派之一。A member of a sect of ancient Greek philosophers.

每一个学派和经典的实义会被揭示出来。The truth of every school and scripture is revealed.

崇奉孔子学说的学派。The school worships and believes in Confucius theory.

颜李学派是闻名世界的学术流派,而保定则是颜李学派的发祥地。Yan-Li school is world famed, and Baoding is the cradle.

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墨子,是战国初期墨家学派的创始人。Mozi is the founder of Mohism in the early Warring States.

奥地利学派的自由主义倾向仍拥有其拥趸。The libertarian streak of the Austrians still has its fans.

犬儒学派是古代希腊哲学学派的成员。Cynic is the member of a sect of ancient greek philosophers.