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就像是一次飞行。It is a flight.

飞行猪看到5扇门。Flappy sees 5 doors.

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飞行猪进了第4道门。Flappy goes in door 4.

泰航飞行,平滑如丝。Smooth as silk is Thai.

要飞行四小时。It's a four-hour flight.

学习飞行用一件滑翔衣。Learn to Fly a Wingsuit.

飞行里数绩分提升。No Mileage Plus upgrade.

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这莲座居然可以飞行。This incredibly can fly.

这是一次六小时的飞行。It was a six-hour flight.

这架飞机是适于飞行的。The airplane is airworthy.

飞行控制中心。The flight control center.

这是一班飞行时间长达11小时的飞机。This was an 11-hour flight.

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我们飞行的高度是35000英尺。We're flying at 35000 feet.

你得到飞行胸章了?。Have you got your wings yet?

米-10就是一架飞行的起重机。The Mi-10 is a flying crane.

这是一次危险的飞行。This was a dangerous flight.

他穿越美国北部进行飞行竞选游说。He tarmaced across the North.

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我看到一个好的飞行在天空。I saw a UPO flying in the sky.

因为他们是忍者,会飞行。It is because they are ninjas.

安全飞行,满意服务!Saft flight Excellent service.