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从起动器起动泵。Start from pump starter.

高低压马达起动器“,”High, Low Voltage Motor Starters.

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什么是割草机起动棘爪?。What are Lawn Mower Starter Pawls?

他用力拉了一下起动器的带子。He gave a hard pull on the starter rope.

卵石的起动有其特殊性。Incipit of pebble has its particularity.

且软起动器具有较好的鲁棒性。The performance of the starter is robust.

起动的枪开和他们关闭!The starting gun fired and they were off!

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我的车天冷时不好起动。My car is relwUmilo start in cold weather.

但起动摩擦阻力较大。But the larger starting frictional resistance.

我看我们得用助推的办法起动这辆车了。We'll have to give it a push-start, I'm afraid.

火车起动的时候他朝着我喊了些什么,我却没能听见。He halloed something to me as the train started.

马达起动,电压暂降,计算模型。Motor Starting, Voltage Sags, Calculation Model.

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飞机库前面停机坪上,一架战斗机正在起动。A fighter plane is revving up on the hanger apron.

全停后的恢复通俗地可称为黑起动。The system restoration is also called black start.

这些钟自己起动,非常可靠。The clocks are self-starting and remarkably reliable.

要起动,你先把这个东西拉出来。To make it start, you just pull this thingamajig out.

用于中间接口,例如V5.2接口的起动方法。Method for ramping up interface, e. g. V5.2 interface.

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适用于汽车变速器及电动机带满负荷起动器和变速器。It is suitable for car or motor with full-load starter.

舵机马达遥控起动和报警试验。Remote starting and alarm test for steering gear motor.

当你慢下车来要停车的时候,把档位置调至起动档。As you slow to a stop, shift down to a low, starting gear.