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但施用饼肥对上等烟比例的影响有所不同。But the effect of applying cake fertilizer on supper tobacco rate is different.

豆饼肥对番茄植株的生长、产量及生物量的促进作用不明显。There was no significant influence on the tomato growth, yield and biomass with organic fertilizer as soybean cake.

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本研究表明,深耕下专用肥配施饼肥是豫中麦区最好的耕作培肥方式。It showed that deep tillage with chemical fertilizer mixed cottonseed was the best model of tillage and fertilization.

试验研究了菜籽饼肥不同用量对烤烟产量和质量的影响。An experiment was conducted to study the effect of application rate of rape seed cake on yield and quality of flue-cured tobacco.

通过田间试验研究了施用芝麻饼肥、殖酸和翻压苜蓿、麦草对烤烟生长发育和烟叶品质的影响。Results indicated that the growth and quality of tobacco were improved by the application of sesame cake, humic acid and rye grass.

结果表明,施用芝麻饼肥、殖酸以及翻压苜蓿、麦草均有促进烟株生长发育和提高烟叶品质的作用。Results indicated that the growth and quality of tobacco were improved by the application of sesame cake, humic acid and rye grass.

通过对烤烟化学成分、致香物质变化的研究,评价配施饼肥对烤烟品质的影响。The effect of sesame seed cake on quality of tobacco was evaluated through the analysis of chemistry component and aromatic matter.

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因此,建议在有机质含量和速效氮较高的植烟土壤上少施或不施饼肥。So we suggest that if the soil has high organic matter contents and available nutrient, it should applied less or no cake fertilizer.

采用水培方法研究了不同形态氮素和饼肥浸提液对烤烟光合生理特性的影响。A pot experiment was conducted to study the effects of different nitrogen nutrition on photosynthetic characteristics in tobacco leaves.

采用盆栽试验研究了饼肥对不同发育时期烤烟叶片类胡萝卜素及其主要降解产物的影响。Results showed that the content of carotenoids gradually decreased during growth period and changed with different cake fertilizer dosage.

烟叶感官评吸质量以施用油菜籽饼肥的山地烟最高,未施用油菜籽饼肥的山地烟最低。The smoking quality of tobacco leaf of dry soil applied with rapeseeds cake was best, but it was worst for the dry soil applied no rapeseeds cake.

施用有机肥特别是菜籽饼肥与烟叶香气质和香气量的形成关系非常密切。Applying organic manure especially rapeseed cake fertilizer has close relation with the composing of tobacco fragrance quality and fragrance quantity.

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得出结论,按有机方式种植施用饼肥、堆肥和生物肥料的水稻与常规水稻不存在显著差异。It was concluded that there was no significant difference between organic rice treated by cake fertilizer, compost and bio-fertilizer and general rice.

本文系统地报道了氯化胺、过磷酸钙、苹果枝木灰和饼肥四种肥料对国光和青香蕉苹果树的根际营养效果。This paper systematically reports the effect of root nutrition in apple trees. After apply the four fertilizers, the best effect is the apple branch ash.

实验表明,施用发酵性饼肥,可促进烟株生长发育,提高烟叶产量,改善烟叶质量和增加上等烟比例。The research indicated that application of oil-cake fermented could promote the growth of flue-cured tobacco plant, enhance leaf yield, improve leaf quality.

施用饼肥的烤烟生长良好,烟叶适时落黄成熟,可提高烟叶的亩产量和亩产值。The tobacco applied cake fertilizer quantities grows well, the leaves' yellowing and maturity in place, and suitable cake fertilizer can raise yield and value.

表明施用芝麻饼肥土壤生物过程活跃,有利于土壤有机物质的转化和烤烟正常生长所需的营养供应。The promotion of enzyme activity was of great advantage to the turnover of organic matter and provision of nutrition to meet the needs of tobacco's regular growth.

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采用田间试验,研究了发酵血粉、腐熟菜籽饼肥与烟草专用肥配施对烤烟生长发育、化学品质及致病性的影响。The results indicated that, swine blood fermentation and rapeseed cake fertilizer could enhance the growth tendency, lengthen the growing period, increase the output.

通过田间试验研究了施用芝麻饼肥、殖酸和翻压苜蓿、麦草对烤烟生长发育和烟叶品质的影响。Effects of application of sesame cake humic acid and ploughing back of alfalfa and rye grass on the growth and quality of tobacco were studied in the field experiment.

通过田间试验研究了施用芝麻饼肥、腐殖酸和翻压苜蓿、黑麦草对烤烟生长发育和烟叶品质的影响。Effects of application of sesame cake, humic acid and ploughing back of alfalfa and rye grass on the growth and quality of tobacco were studied in the field experiment.