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忝为神祇是多麽的价值非凡!How worthy it is of the Gods!

我是一个非凡的人。I am an extraordinary person.

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公主殿下气派非凡地来了。Her Highness arrived in style.

我可以做非凡的事情。I can do extraordinary things.

这是非凡的经验。It's a supernormal experience.

恶劣的天气能成就非凡的影像,最好是风雨交加的天气。Bad weather makes great pictures.

他将他们塑造成一支非凡的队伍。He moulded them into a super team.

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我将成为一个非凡的商人。I would be a singular businessman.

他们的感觉非凡地敏锐。Their senses are miraculously acute.

但是这随意涂抹间却有非凡的艺术。But there is craft in the casualness.

她的机敏是一种非凡的天赋。Her tactfulness is a remarkable gift.

苏坦取得了非凡的成就。Sultan's achievements are remarkable.

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每款机器均蕴意非凡。Meaning each machine is extraordinary.

她的意志力是非凡的。Her strength of will was extraordinary.

我只在非凡场所才打领带。I only wear a tie on special occasions.

他是个具有非凡意志的人。He is a man of extraordinary will power.

对人们来说意义非凡。It means something very special to people.

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我还要赞扬你们所表现出的非凡勇气。And I want to commend you for your courage.

这孩子生下来就有非凡的灵性。The child was born with superb ethereality.

一只奇异非凡的鸟儿朝着我们惊啼。And a miraculous strange bird shrieks at us.