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他们解散了该合股公司。They disincorporated the corporate company.

他发现这位合股人很难相处。He found his partner to be very disagreeable.

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不久我可能要你当我内普丘恩的合股人。Soon I may make you my partner in the Neptune.

利润由两位合股人分得。The profits were divided between two partners.

这家律师事务所由三人合股。There are three partners in this firm of lawyers.

这些简单的分析只适合于由两根单纱合股成的纱线。This simple analysis holds only for two-ply yarns.

当我与别人建立了良好的合股关系时,我的生意最兴旺发达。My business was most successful when I formed a good partnership with someone else.

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财政部的贷款给货币市场合股投资公司的计划将会在9月18号结束。The Treasury’s loan program for money market mutual funds will come to an end on Sept. 18.

他的合股人曾通过他存款的银行给他写过一封措词严厉的信,责骂他隐匿自己的行踪。His partner, in a violent letter sent to his bank, had taunted him with hiding his whereabouts.

这个合股机构在1968年获得由美国建筑研究院颁发的建筑公司奖。The partnership received the 1968 Architectural Firm Award of The American Institute of Architects.

第二个合股人吃了亏,因为他没有密切注意自己的利益。The second partner got the short end of the stick because he didn't watch out for his own interests.

生产排气系统的工厂是由本田旗下的一间企业和一间中国的企业合股的。The exhaust-system factory is controlled by a joint venture between a Honda subsidiary and a Chinese company.

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斯摩列特船长不再出海了,格雷把钱存起来,现在已是一艘装备优良的船的合股船主兼船长。Captain Smollett no longer goes to sea. Gray saved his money and is now half-owner and captain of a fine ship.

无碱玻璃纤维喷射用合股无捻粗纱主要用于玻璃钢船体、冷藏室内衬板、卫生洁具、游泳池等。E glass spray up roving is mostly used to produce FRP boat hulls, safe board, sanitary apparatus and natatorium etc.

“员工持股计划是金融机构合股改革的一个重要部分”,周小川早期层说。"The employee stock ownership plan is an important part of financial institutions' joint stock reform, " Zhou said earlier.

它原本是个管理得很好的企业。后来合股人内部发生分歧,现在搞得乱七八糟。It used to be a well-run business, but then disagreements arose between the partners, and now things are at sixes and sevens.

每根单纱的内部扭转力就达到了300tpm,然而合股线在S捻方向上的扭转力是100tpm。The internal torque on each of the singles will be about 300 tpm , while torque on the two-ply yarn will be 100 in the S direction.

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针对高低挑坎对冲消能工上下水舌正碰后合股水流平抛的水力过渡过程,推导出该过程发生的控制方程组。The control equations concerning the hydraulic transient course of energy dissipation by upper & lower flip bucket on high arch dam are set up.

对确保合股无捻粗纱络纱过程线密度稳定及减轻工人劳动强度有重要意义。This is very important to ensure constant linear density of assembled roving in its winding process and reduce the labor intensity of operators.

医生、律师和会计师常合股来分担生意上的利润合风险。夫妻常会组成生意上的合作伙伴。Doctors, lawyers and accountants often form partnerships to share the profits and risks of doing business. A husband and wife can form a business partnership.