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那时候还是一座浮桥。It was then a floating bridge.

对啊。这种桥叫浮桥。Yes. It's called the floating bridge.

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士兵们在河面架设了一座浮桥。The soldiers threw a floating bridge across the river.

在电厂与土坝间建立一座浮桥。Building a boat bridge between the plant and earth dam.

在未来溢流堰的建设场地准备浮桥。Preparing a floating bridge on site of the to-be overflow dam.

威尼斯海滨大道的浮桥上有小的艺术表演,you know, you have like little art shows down on the Venice boardwalk

浮桥为在这个繁忙的干道上创造了一个时尚的城市休闲步道。The bridges form a fashionable urban catwalk, hovering the busy artery.

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桥长1.4英里,是世界上最长的浮桥。At 1.4 miles long, it has one of the longest floating spans in the world.

浮舟用于支撑浮桥的船只,可以轻易移动的建造物,如平底船。A floating structure, such as a flat-bottomed boat, that is used to support a bridge.

成批海獭为躲开油污,爬上浮桥,在有限面积里挤作一团。A great number of sea otters climbed on the float bridge and huddled together to avoid oil.

公元前481年舍斯在此建造了跨哈利斯邦的浮桥并入侵希腊。In 481 b. c. Xerxes built a bridge of boats here to cross the Hellespont and invade Greece.

1942年7月31日,一支德国摩托化炮兵纵队正在通过浮桥横渡顿河。A German motorized artillery column crossing the Don river by means of a pontoon bridge on July 31, 1942.

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成群的加州海驴,睡在美国加州旧金山港39号码头的浮桥上。Sea lions sleep on a pontoon dock at Pier 39 in the harbor of San Francisco, California November 8, 2005.

当摩西来到红海时,他让他的工兵建造了一座浮桥,所有的人都安全地通过。When he got to the Red Sea, he had his engineers build a pontoon bridge, and all the people walked across safely.

钢质平台结构和一体的浮桥首先制造出来并被拖出车间放到湖中。The steel platform structure with incorporated pontoons was built first and towed to the lake outside the workshop.

内蒙和宁夏交界处正在修建一座浮桥,这样宁夏的钢铁厂和内蒙的电厂之间就可以有更多的物资运输。Construction of a floating bridge will allow more traffic between Inner Mongolia and Ningxia's steel and power plants.

主索张力是浮桥横张纲锚定计算的主要内容,传统计算理论考虑浮桥横向是绝对刚性的。Analysis of the main cable's tension is the new conception of calculation of anchorage by stream cable of float bridge.

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浮桥设计是最佳方案,它利用的是混凝土浮船,而浮船则由水下重物固定。The floating design, which relies on concrete pontoons that are anchored by underwater weights, was the perfect solution.

由MOS设计师打造的这种悬浮房子建造在钢制浮桥上,可以随着水位线浮动而上下调整。Designed by MOS architects, the house floats on steel pontoonswhich allow it to fluctuate along with the lake when water levels change.

在研究中发现用有限条元计算浮桥最大弯矩与跨矩的比值同弹性地基梁法所得到的比值几乎相等。The ratio of maximum bending moment and mid-span obtained by this method is almost the same as that by the elastic footing beam method.