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仙界是彩虹仙子的家!Fairyland is home to seven colorful sisters.

仙界是七位气象仙子的家!Fairyland is home to the seven Weather Fairies!

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没有了这些宝石,生活在仙界的仙子们的魔力就会很快消失!Without them, all the fairy magic in Fairyland is fading fast!

同时仙女们的友情也受到了考验,人性的欲望引发了一场仙界的战争。Their friendship is also put to the test, with human desire triggering a celestial battle.

没有了这些宝石,宝石仙子们就无法施展法力,仙界的魔力也会很快消失!Without them, the Jewel Fairies can´t do their jobs. The magic in Fairyland is fading fast!

我此生心系长留,心系仙界,心系众生,可是却从没为她做过什么。My heart long, with the celestial, heart sentient beings, but has never done anything for her.

她们拥有具备神奇魔力的羽毛,在公鸡都多尔的协助下,七位仙子可以为仙界带来各种各样的天气。Along with Doodle the rooster and his magical feathers, they bring all of the weather to Fairyland.

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所以虽然你的篮球仙界生活竣事了,我晓得你的影响会不绝在那里。So even though your basketball career is over, I know your impact will be seen in this game for years to come.

北宋时人们通过导引、服药、内丹、尸解等方式修炼,希望到达仙界。People at that time hoped arriving immortal world through practicing such as guidance, medication, inner alchemy and etc.

蕾切尔和科斯蒂能够帮助钻石仙子露西找到最后一颗宝石吗?仙界的魔力会不会永远消失?Can Rachel and Kirsty help Lucy the Diamond Fairy find the final jewel? Or will Fairyland´s special magic be lost forever?

那时人们担心仙女们会来偷走婴儿,换上仙界的丑小孩。It was then feared that the fairies had come and stolen the baby away and replaced the human baby with a fairy Changeling.

在那未知而飘渺的世界,有天堂,有地狱,有神族,有仙界,有菩萨、有佛祖。In the mysterious world, there are the paradise and the hell, the celestial beings and the gods, the Buddha and the Bodhisattvas.

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在仙界这款游戏里,宠物是有寿元限制的,受伤严重或者死亡都会减少寿元。At fairyland this game in, the caress is to have a life dollar the restriction, get ache seriously or the necrosis will reduce a life dollar.

杜光庭崇尚仙界女性之美和仙境之美,这些是他的道教信仰在美学层面的具体体现。Du Guangting's advocation to the beauty of paradise was mainly reflected in pursuiting the female beauty of paradise and the unusual beauty of fairyland.

她们拥有具备神奇魔力的羽毛,在公鸡都多尔的协助下,七位仙子可以为仙界带来各种各样的天气。Along with Doodle the rooster and his magical feathers, they bring all of the weather to Fairyland. But when evil Jack Frost and his goblins steal the feathers, the weather turns wacky.

本文认为,汉阙非独为汉代建筑艺术的形式,更重要的还在于,它是早期道教所追求的仙界的象征符号和人仙两界交通的神学媒介。This paper holds that the Que is not only a kind of art of the time, but also a symbolic intermediary between the human world and the immortal one which the early Taoists want to enter eagerly.

听说当年你没入修仙界以前在世俗间就有一个刀魔的恶名,今日一见果然是心狠手辣之辈。It is said that your mergence firm fairyland to have a wrong glory with malign sword between the customs before in those early years, today a see naturally for expected is hot bloody hand generation.