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有人告诉我,刚到新公司不要太冒尖了。Someone suggested I keep a low profile after coming to a new company.

在博客圈冒尖的一个办法就是“在你成为伟大之前先显得伟大”。One of the ways you can make it in the blogosphere is by appearing bigger than you are until you actually get there.

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无论宝宝的第一颗小牙何时冒尖,最好当下给他拍照留念,并在宝宝日志里记录好小牙到来的时间。Whenever the first tooth peeks through, celebrate it by taking pictures and noting its arrival date in your child's baby book.

技能学科方面,如音、体、美、科技等,实行允许差距,鼓励冒尖。Skills, disciplines, such as audio, body, beauty, science and technology, the implementation allows the gap to encourage coming to the fore.

我们还计算出36种结构的极大最小距离,并通过计算机验证比较了它们的平均冒尖性。Furthermore, we give the supremum-minimum distance of 36 kinds of structure and comparing their mean pick-the -winners by computer experiments.

依据人类学家的说法,直立行走的人的始祖面部概貌与黑猩猩相仿,额头后倾,眉毛冒尖。According to ishhropologists, the earliest ancestors of humans that stood upright resembled chimpanzees facially, with sloping foreheads and protruding brows.

要冒尖列明你在平时职责之外还做了哪些工作,譬如为处理紧张情形加班到很晚,或是率先参与公司的某个甘愿参加规划等等,这些都要解释。Highlight any work you did on top of your normal responsibilities -- if you stayed late to resolve a crisis or spearheaded a corporate volunteer program, point that out.

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要找到青少年出走人倍增长替考每一个端由并不由得易,但总体上有两个因素较为冒尖。It is no easy job to find every reason for the increase in the number of teenagers who run away from their homes, but, on the whole, two factors shout louder than others.

曾经有人形象地把一个人的知识面用“十”字来表示,既要有广度、深度,还要敢于创新、敢于冒尖。Once some person of images used person's aspect of knowledge "ten" the character to indicate that must have the breadth, the depth, but must dare to innovate, to dare conspicuous.

按精神病学的说法,害怕在公众面前说话是因为害怕被排斥,害怕冒尖,害怕被批评,害怕出错,害怕被逐出。According to psychiatrists the fear of public speaking is caused by the fear of ostracism the fear of standing out the fear of criticism the fear of ridicule the fear of being an outcast.