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水性环氧树脂涂料。Water-based epoxy top coatings.

最好用水性胶润滑剂。One that lubricates, especially a lubricant.

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品质轻、拉力强、消水性良好。Light, high-tensile strength, highly absorbent.

憎水性硅石是一种有效的防泡剂。Hydrophobic silica is the active antifoam agent.

这些化妆品防水性也很强。These cosmetics are also highly water resistant.

水性系统或无溶剂紫外线硬化系统使用之润湿剂。Water based or solvent free UV curing wetting agent.

然后,科学家们把玻璃珠变成疏水性的。Then the scientists made the glass beads hydrophobic.

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消泡剂用于水性墨以及光油。Defoamer for water based inks and overprint varnishes.

良好的耐油性、水性、油、交替腐蚀性。Good water, oil, alternating water and oil resistance.

本发明涉及一种水性修正液。This invention relates to an aqueous correction fluid.

您可随意掺入水性色母调出您想要的颜色。Any water-based masterbatch colors can be mixed to use.

本文首先采用水性聚氨酯成膜。In this paper, the first use WPU as the coating system.

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水性的用水粉颜料、丙烯颜料均可。The water-based paints with gouache, acrylic paint can.

耐冲击性、油性、水性、溶剂性很优异。Excellent resistance to impact, oil, water and solvents.

透水混凝土具有良好的透气性和透水性。Pervious concrete has a good air and water permeability.

第二章介绍了水性醇酸漆乳液与其制备过程。Second abdge introduced alkyd latex and it's preparation.

水性油漆、保丽龙表面材质不适用。Inapplicable to the surface of liquid paint and styrofoam.

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产品具有防霉性、防水性和阻燃性。This product has the resistance of mildew, water and fire.

用于保护新的防水性有很理想。Ideal for protecting the water- repellency on new garments.

湖水性冷,稍咸,适宜螃蟹生长。The lake of cold, slightly salty, crabs appropriate growth.