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我打算去一些名胜地旅游。I am going to of.

等等,打算去哪?。Etc, plan où aller?

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我打算写一首颂歌。I intended an ode.

我打算给它刷油漆。I'm go to paint it.

你打算怎么躲藏起来?How do you hide out?

我打算换一份工作。I gona change my job.

刚开始,我打算念法律。First, I was pre -law.

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我打算去观光.I'm going sightseeing.

打算落了空。The plan fell through.

我们打算花一个月的时间。We would take a month.

艾伦。你打算做什么?Allan. What will you do?

您有去那儿的打算吗?Do you plan to go there?

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我打算学习律。I am going to study law.

我并没打算伤害你。I don't aim to hurt you.

我打算带上五弦琴。I think I'll get a banjo.

我的打算?参军。My future plan? Military.

打算使用雪地轮胎。Plan on using snow-tires.

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我们打算再试一下。We purpose another trial.

她打算走着去那儿。She's going to hoof there.

我们打算留在伦敦。We tend to stay in London.