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电影站,正规的。Movie Station, formal.

选用正规的用户名。Choose a professional username.

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对于正规的第一和第二马赫。For the canonicity of I and II Mach.

正规的中产阶级教育。He had a normal middle-class upbringing.

她的头发从来也没有做成正规的发型Her hair has never been formally coifed.

正规部队需要增援。The regular troops need to be reinforced.

对所有档名使用正规表示式。Regular expression used on all file names.

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不要过分担心正规鞋号。Don't get too hung up on the official size.

证照也没有,也没有正规发票。License and no, there is no formal invoice.

这名滑冰者并没有接受正规的训练。The skater hasn't received normal training.

并且研究了未确知正规子群。Unascertained normal subgroup is also studied.

无组织的地区缺乏正规的政府。Unorganized territories lack a formal government.

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能否在这个领域找一份可在家办公的正规工作?Can I find a legitimate at-home job in this field?

你的护照必须是正规的,私人护照。Your passport must be a regular, private passport.

是青岛地区位数不多的正规搬家公司之一。Qingdao is a little bit of regular moving companies.

为什么正规的程序被证明是NP-完备性?Why does the formal procedure prove NP-Completeness?

为什么有的酒水比正规渠道便宜那么多?Why do some drinks than regular channel cheap so much?

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正规螺柱,带螺丝刀槽可选密封或未密封。Regular stud with screw-driver slot sealed or unsealed.

栏位使用正规表示式语法且大小写相异。Fields use regular expressions syntax, case-insensitive.

并非任何事都要在课堂上或正规课程才能学到。Not everything requires a class or course to be learned.