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两位绅士誓要决一死战。Two gentlemen swore to fight to the death.

自由存在于每一次争斗中,让我们决一死战。Liberty is in every blow! Let us do or die. ----- Robbert Burns, British poet.

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我们的英雄决定要与这条恶龙决一死战!Taking his trusty harpoon and seedgun, our hero decides to take on the dragon!

懦夫!我已经厌恶听从神的指令,马上下来和我决一死战吧,宙斯!I am through doing the bidding of the Gods! Come down here and face me now, Zeus!

他们之间的恩怨情仇可以追溯到2004年夏在圣城纳杰夫的决一死战。Their mutual enmity dates back to a showdown in the holy city of Najaf in the summer of 2004.

他拥有金钱和枪支的支持,同时也拥有狡诈、无情和决一死战的雄心。He has cash and guns to sustain him, as well as cunning, ruthlessness and do-or-die determination.

这个故事里梅林必须要和拥有强大魔法力量的邪恶女巫迷姆夫人决一死战。White's tale, Merlin is forced to struggle with Madam Mim, an evil witch at least as powerful as the great magus.

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湖人在西部傲视群雄,他们将会与马刺,掘金,黄蜂和小牛之间的幸存者决一死战。Assuming the Lakers make the Western finals, they'll play the survivor among San Antonio, Denver, New Orleans and Dallas.

由于朝鲜媒体的洗脑,朝鲜将会负隅顽抗,决一死战并造成绝大多数平民死亡。Due to all the brainwashing by the NK 'media', the DPRK will die hard, going out fighting to the death of most civilians.

瑞安写道,“这个酒店有可能成为卡扎菲力量和反对派决一死战的地点,这个令人恐惧的念头一直不断地在我们脑海浮现着。”" Ryan wrote, "the hotel may be Mr Qaddafi's strength and the opposition do-or-die site, the frightening thought kept in mind.

已经为武士道深深着迷的欧格仁,最终选择了与胜元一起,与现代军事文明,决一死战。Bushido has fascinated the Oghren, the final choice and Sheng-Yuan, together with the modern military culture, fight to the death.

每一个任务都是一次全新的考验,以确保这个男孩儿拥有足够的技术、实力和意志,从而最后与皇帝决一死战。Each assignment was a new test designed to ensure that the boy would have the skill, power, and will to eventually battle the Emperor.

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父亲艾格曼常常忽视妻子安妮,却被伯爵夫人引诱。最终,他必须以俄式轮盘的方式与情敌决一死战。Egerman is seduced by the Count's wife, Charlotte, the upshot of which being that he has to fight a Russian roulette duel with his rival.

奇西克是孕育传奇的地方。公元前54年,不列颠酋长卡西维劳努斯同凯撒大帝的远征军曾决一死战于此。Legend has it that this area, in 54BC, was where Cassivellaunus, a British chieftain, made a stand against Julius Caesar's conquering army.

不料精通犬语的谭咏麟与守卫鸽交谈后,五福星得以逃出囹圄,与洪携手跟日本黑帮决一死战。But good dogs and guard Alan Tam language conversation pigeons , five lucky star to escape from prison, together with Japan and Hong die gang.

这些人虽已知道约纳堂和跟从他的人,都被逮捕杀害,但仍然彼此鼓励,整队而出,准备决一死战。But they, when they understood that Jonathan and all that were with him were taken and slain, encouraged one another, and went out ready for battle.

当暴雨和赛车事故双至而使他跟法拉利的马萨决一死战的时候,西班牙人尽了他最大的努力。The Spaniard made the most of his opportunity when torrential rain and car failures combined to leave him in a straight fight with Ferrari's Felipe Massa.

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大卫·罗德被迫进入到一个现代电玩竞技场的残暴世界,和其…它选手一起为了网上观众的娱乐决一死战。David Lord finds himself forced into the savage world of a modern gladiatorial arena, where men fight to the death for the entertainment of the online masses.

每个人都有欲望,不论我们决定对真爱做什么,我们不应徘徊于承诺之间并不惜一切代价和有40尺高的掠夺者决一死战。Everyone has temptations and whatever we may decide to do with our true lover that is where our commitments should not wander from and avoiding predators with a 40foot pole at all costs.

最近缅军袭击北掸邦军的行动,实际上测试民族武装组织究竟是否可能有效地团结起来,与强大的缅军决一死战。The recent assault on the SSA–North will seemingly test the mettle and potential of the armed ethnic groups as to whether they can indeed effectively unite to combat the vast Burmese army.