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薄饼是非常好储存的。Crepes are good keepers.

这种薄饼很可口。The bannock is delicious.

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你不喜欢我的薄饼?Do you not like my pancakes?

你专心吃你的薄饼吧。Settle down and eat your pancakes.

那块薄饼很轻易地从锅里滑落出来。The cake easily slid out of the pan.

第四章是比萨和意式薄饼。Fourth chapter is pizza and focaccia.

没有心形的鸡蛋和薄饼模吗?No heart-shaped egg and pancake molds?

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咖喱和薄饼在印度是出名的。Curries and Pancakes are famous in India.

我真要把你砸成薄饼,你转回头去!I'll thrash you into mincemeat ! turn back!

玉米薄饼烘烤的恰到好处。The tortilla chips were right out of the oven.

北京烤鸭,薄饼,黄瓜条,酱料。Peking duck, Pancakes, Cucumber, Dipping Sauce.

用擀面杖将面团擀成薄饼,用刀切成方块。Roll out thin, and then cut into biscuits squares.

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我们去哪吃饭,薄饼屋还是时时乐自助?So where we going, House of pancakes or The Sizzler?

墨西哥薄饼可用白、黄、蓝、或红玉米制作。They are made from white, yellow, blue, or red corn.

我希望看到一个镶满翡翠的肯德尔薄饼!!I want to see an emerald encrusted Kendal Mint cake! !

第一次做薄饼。这是生活的改变。Making crepes for the first time, this is life changing.

他们一起吃早餐,早餐很丰盛,有烙薄饼、猪肉。Together, they ate a hearty breakfast of pancakes and pork.

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薄饼和青葱与烤鸭一起吃,正合口味。The pancakes and the shallots taste well with the roast duck.

墙上的铁环象烤焦的薄饼,变黑了,扭曲变形。The wall-ring was blackened and twisted like a burnt bannock.

趁热享用,可伴以印式薄饼和杂菜沙律或渍物。Serve hot with raita , papadum and vegetables salad or pickle.