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丁香般的惆怅。Melancholy like lilacs.

惆怅无人试宽窄。No trial melancholy width.

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一丝惆怅叹长情!A disappointed sigh long feeling!

是的,我知道你们的欢娱与惆怅。Ay, I knew your joy and your pain.

惆怅感是什么东西?Disconsolate what thing is feeling?

我的锦食欢娱,也只是一碟惆怅。My feast of joy is but a dish of pain.

他的惆怅的声音如丝绒般温柔。His voice is wistful , as soft as velvet.

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这情结因她而惆怅。This complex was disconsolate because of her.

吟念清词细数惆怅,默然离去成伤。Read it silently count melancholy, go into hurt.

我的心充满惆怅,不为那弯弯的月亮。My heart's full of melancholy, not for the crescent.

触一壶美酒,饮尽惆怅,醉美心声。Touch a pot of wine, drink it, drunk beautiful voice.

但是没有一个姑娘用说话或者手势来表达她们的惆怅。But neither girl by word or gesture revealed her blankness.

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我踌躇不前,不由感到一阵迷惑和惆怅。I hesitated to move ahead, feeling perplexed and melancholy.

我喜欢灰色,那惆怅的感觉,渲染着离别。I like gray, the feeling of melancholy, rendering the parting.

丢了工长职位的王喜惆怅万状。The Wang Xi that lost foreman position is disconsolate extremely.

而秋雨,说来就来了,也像那些不用寻找的惆怅。While the rain, was, like those who goes in search of melancholy.

在惆怅的子里,会觉得本身在悲伤的海里沉沉浮浮。On blue days you feel like you're floating in an ocean of sadness.

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“我也怀念那些食物,”凯姆惆怅的说。“你妈妈的杰作?”"I miss the food too, " Kem said wistfully. "Your mother's cooking?"

铜壶漏报天将晓,惆怅佳期又一年。Copper pot omitted days will dawn, melancholy wedding day after year.

总以为酒能让我挥去孤独与惆怅。Always thought the wine can be waved lonelily and disconsolately by me.