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这些其实是酒石酸晶体。Those are tartaric acid crystals.

酒石酸的含量略有下降。The content of tartaric acid also decreased.

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酒石酸锑钾和酒石酸钾钠。Tartrate of antimony and potash, and tartrate of soda and potash.

酒石酸及其钾盐是有渗透作用的泻剂。Sodium potassium tartrate and tartaric acid are osmotic laxatives.

碳酸氢钠于某些含酸物质如酒石酸氢钾、糖浆或糖蜜、或譬如象姜汁饼和苏打饼配方中的酸乳等等一起使用。By using bicarbonate of soda with something containing acid, such as

在热的地区,需加入额外的酒石酸来“纠正”酸度。In hot regions, extra tartaric acid is added to 'correct' the acidity.

本文研究了酒石酸合成丙酮酸钠的工艺。This article studies the synthesis of sodium pyruvate from tartaric acid.

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杂交后代群体酒石酸含量平均值低于亲本平均值。Mean of progenies tartaric acid content was lower than mean of parent value.

从硫酸长春碱合成抗癌药酒石酸长春瑞宾,总收率15。Antitumor drug vinorelbine tartrate was synthesised from vinblastine sulfate in 15.

主要添加的酸有磷酸、柠檬酸、富马酸、酒石酸和苹果酸。The principal acids used are phosphoric, citric, fumaric, tartaric, and malic acids.

由钨酸盐和酒石酸反应合成了钨阴离子配合物。Anionic tungstate complex was synthesized by reaction of tungstate with tartaric acid.

例如硫酸长春新碱、酒石酸长春瑞宪,NHDC。Such as Vincristine Sulfate, Vinorelbine Bitartrate, NHDC and Hesperidin Methyl Chalcone.

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建立了HPLC法测定注射用重酒石酸长春瑞滨的含量。HPLC method was established for the determination of vinorelbine bitartrate for injection.

实验中还考察了酒石酸布托啡诺在力学性能较好的一种支架中的药物缓释情况。The drug released from the self-assembly scaffolds was investigated in this research, too.

该配制品含有碳酸氢钠、酒石酸及其钠钾盐。This preparation contains sodium bicarbonate, tartaric acid and sodium potassium tartrate.

化学镀镍液的中琥珀酸、酒石酸用溶剂萃取法去除。Using solvent to extract succinic acid in and tartaric acid in chemical nikel plating liquid.

酒石酸衍生物在对映体拆分和不对称合成中得到广泛应用。Tartaric acid derivatives have been widely used in enantioseparation and asymmetric synthesis.

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目的制备酒石酸托特罗定渗透泵片,考察其体外释药特性。OBJECTIVE To prepare the tolterodine osmotic pump tablet and study its release profiles in vitro.

目的比较酒石酸唑吡坦和思诺思片治疗失眠的疗效。Objectives To compare the efficacy of zolpidem tartrate and stilnox in the treatment for insomnia.

采用酒石酸-锆复合溶液作基体改进剂,锆涂层热解石墨管为原子化器。Tartrate solution and zirconyl chloride were used as the matrix modifier for coating graphite tube.