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消息传出后,上海市的一名销售人员拍手称快。One salesman was cheered by the new attitude in Shanghai.

我想,许多人看见他离开这儿都会拍手称快的。I don't think many people will be sorry to see the back of him.

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游街示众吸引了1千多名围观群众,他们各个拍手称快。The parade attracted more than 1,000 spectators, who applauded.

小镇的居民对处死杀人犯莫不拍手称快。The residents in the small town all welcome the execution of the killer.

如果您接着读下去,我能肯定您一定会为了其中至少一款兴奋不已,拍手称快。Read on, I'm pretty sure that at least one of these will get you jumping up and down, clapping your hands.

然而,由于此"咖啡燃料"比普通汽油贵25-50倍,汽车行业里精打细算的小气鬼可不会为这个新发明拍手称快。At 25-50 times the cost of running a car on petrol, the invention won't please any motor industry bean-counters.

本书中最令人拍手称快的就是作者为指导可用性测试提供的详细资料。One great thing about the book is the detailed materials the author provides for conducting your usability tests.

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公众对于张茵的“不幸”拍手称快,因为对于很多中国人来说,张茵是他们无法接受的资本主义的代言人。There has been public glee at her misfortune because, to many Chinese, she is the unacceptable face of capitalism.

环保人士对此决定拍手称快,并称这是对布什政府延续了八年的“否认气候变化”政策的一大突破。Environmentalists celebrated the ruling as the most definitive break to date with eight years of "climate denial" under George Bush.

政客们为“印度公司”在海外所取得的并购以及海外对本国投资等所取得的一系列成绩而拍手称快。Politicians celebrate the achievements of “India Inc”, applauding its acquisitions abroad and welcoming the foreign investment it attracts.

一部分女性直言不讳地表达了自己的意见,而越来越多的公众为波兰斯基被捕一事拍手称快。Led by a handful of outspoken female voices, a rising tide of opinion has instead applauded Polanski's arrest for unlawful sex with a 13-year-old back in 1977.

这一声明是在对外方记者的规则将过期的最后一刻提出的,记者和媒体狗仔队应该会拍手称快。The announcement came at the very last minute, just as the rules for foreign journalists were expiring . It's likely to be applauded by journalists and media watchdogs.

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国际干预程序的遮羞布令这个政权无比快意,令那些与之有贸易关系的人拍手称快,---令那些一提民主就是甜言蜜语,一提行动就打退堂鼓的人暗暗叫好,例如他们对武器禁运就是这个态度。A fig leaf of international process comforts the regime, those who trade with it -- and those who give flowery speeches about democracy but resist action, such as an arms embargo.

最令人拍手称快的还是‘第三窗口’发行的日本电影,因为它把幽默古怪的日本另类文化传向了西方。Yet it is the label’s Japanese releases that prove to be the most consistently enjoyable as they generally convey cultural insight through offbeat humour and quirky characterisation.

由于不同顾客代表来公司认证所花费的时间剧减,因此很多供应商也对强调第三方认证的转变拍手称快。Some suppliers also welcomed the shift in emphasis to third party certification since that certification greatly reduced the time spent in their facilities by various customer representatives.