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这项采矿工艺不可靠。The mining technique is shaky.

浅水安装工艺法。Assemblage craft in deep water.

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我的妹妹喜欢艺术和工艺。My sister loves arts and crafts.

热加工工艺有哪些?。What are the hot working processes?

写作是道工艺,如木匠做活。Writing is a craft, like carpentry.

写作就像木工,也是个工艺活。Writing is a craft, like carpentry.

工艺决定它的珍贵。Process determines its preciousness.

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瓯绣是温州的一项传统工艺。Ou Embroidery is a traditional craft.

模铸的石膏或雕刻的石头制作的工艺。In moulded plaster or in carven stone?

它们采用的就是抽纱的工艺。Are made using the faggoting technique.

给出了制作全色全息干版的工艺。The art or process of making parquetry.

丙烯酸莱茵石是由成型工艺。Acrylic rhinestones are made by molding.

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手袋是一个伟大的贴花工艺项目。Bags are a great applique craft project.

生产工艺是如何设计及验审的?How is the process designed and valided?

第三,防倒工艺不可靠。Third, the anti-down unreliable process.

并制定了该树脂的固化工艺。Cure process of EAM resin was formulated.

熟悉机械制造工艺。Understand machine manufacture craftwork.

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这一次规模更大、工艺更精细。This one is bigger and much more detailed.

我们应该为民族工艺做点事。We should do something for folk craftwork.

良好的线束制造工艺知识。Good knowledge of the cable system process.