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它的树干是大的。Its trunk is big.

考拉在树干上休息。A kola is resting on the trunk.

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这藤盘绕在树干上。The vine twines round the tree.

你拿我们的圣诞树干吗?What are you doing with our tree?

他从树干上砍下许多树枝。He dissevered branches from the stem.

他痴痴地靠着树干,望着眼前的一片新绿出神。He hewed a canoe out of a tree trunk.

树皮从树干上被扯了下来。The bark was riven off from the trunk.

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这些柳树的树干盘根错杂,仿佛盆景一般。Their trunks are as gnarled as bonsai.

一棵树的枝丫长自树干。Branches of a tree grow from the trunk.

树干上有个大包。There is a big protuberance on the trunk.

你是一片叶,一朵花,还是树干?Are you the leaf, the blossom on the bole?

他不停地照着树干砍去。He is hewing away at the trunk of the tree.

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恰好及时地冲回他记得的树干。Swoops just in time to his remembered tree.

他不停地照著树干砍去。He was hewing away at the trunk of the tree.

男孩锯下树干,造了一条船。So the man cut the tree trunk to make a boat.

“我没有牙来咬了”男孩答道、“没有树干给你爬了”“我老了,也爬不动了”男孩说道。"I don't have teeth to bite" the boy replied.

我清楚地了解流动在树干里的树液。I know the sap that courses through the trees.

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每个交接点都悬浮着一段树干。At each intersection is suspended a tree trunk.

我从桃花树下走过,树干粗砺。I pass by under a peach tree, tree trunk rough.

到猴面包树老了,树干就空了。When a baobab gets old its trunk becomes hollow.