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他们驾车沿海滨行驶。They drove along the beach.

目前在沿海部份地区设为海滨公园。Park was set up along the coast.

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我沿海岸线向南旅行。I traveled south along the coast.

台风侵袭沿海地区。The typhoon hit the coastal areas.

我们的推销员负责西部沿海地区。Our salesman covers the west coast.

超级台风将肆虐沿海的城市。Super-hurricanes hit coastal cities.

我过去常在星期天沿海滩散步。I used to along the beach on Sundays.

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沿海滨建起了一所减肥疗养院。A fat farm was built along the seaside.

沿海的索马里人开始生病。The coastal population began to sicken.

文登是一座生机勃勃的沿海开放城市。Wendeng is a dynamic coastal open city.

那些战舰沿海岸巡弋。The battleships cruised along the shore.

轮船沿海岸顶风航行。The steamer was beating along the coast.

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许多内陆城镇建在沿海地带。Many inland towns are built along rivers.

沿海岸均有了望台。Lookouts were spotted all along the coast.

一群企鹅沿海滨列队行进。An army of penguins paraded along the beach.

我过去常在星期天沿海滩散步。I used to stroll along the beach on Sundays.

她沿海滩收集海贝。She walks along the beach-collecting seashell.

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东北部沿海地带气候潮湿。The northeastern seaboard has a humid climate.

他们将部队重新部署在沿海滨一带。They redeployed the troops along the seashore.

缅因州的一个沿海的农场上,有个在建的牲口棚。On a farm in coastal Maine, a barn is going up.